Edson Glauber Chastisement False Prophet Wrath

“The Beast and the False Prophet already communicate and act among themselves”

May 2, 2020 – Message of the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace of Itapiranga
to Edson Glauber, Manaus-AM

May 2 ,2020

26th Anniversary of the apparitions
“Peace to your heart!
My son, I, your Mother, the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, come from Heaven carrying in My arms the One who is Life and Peace, the One who is the Victor over death and all sins, the One Who is, Who was and Who is to come. May all trust in the love of My Divine Son. His love heals your souls, your hearts and your bodies. God the Father is with you and through My Son Jesus He blesses you, granting you His love and His grace through the action of the Holy Spirit.My son, tell My children not to fear the evil of your time nor death. Those who are united to the love of My Son must fear nothing.

My Son Jesus is alive and risen and His Glorious Kingdom is a present reality, alive and real in the lives of all those who believe in His Words, Divine and Eternal. God never abandons you.

I am the Mother of the True Way.
I am the Mother of Truth.
I am the Mother of the Eternal Life.

This Way, this Truth and this Life I desire to give to each one of My children who trust in My Motherly intercession and who open their hearts to God on this day dedicated to Me.

The Lord has freed you from slavery and sin. You do not want to live in sin anymore, far from His love, lest you fall into human hands and be prisoners of evil and heartless men inside your own homes.

Intensify your prayers, fasts and reparations, pleading for the Lord’s forgiveness and His Divine help and God will act, causing men led by Satan to be unmasked and dethroned, falling to the ground and being caught in their own traps.

If the Ministers of God do not act soon and remain blind and deaf to the Lord’s calls, the day will come when many of them will have their hands and feet tied and together with their followers will be led to cruel martyrdom.

This is the time to have the strength and the faith of the martyrs who did not retreat and were not frightened before the cross, nor in the face of great dangers nor death.

This is the time of the martyrs of the faith and of the love for My Son, the true Spouse of your souls, the one Who will wipe away your tears and who will give you a new garment and in His Divine Kingdom there will be no more crying, neither tears nor death, because He will make all things new.

The Lord will grant a grace to all those who have prepared themselves worthily and never doubted My Motherly presence, but have welcomed and lived My messages with love. At My request, before His Throne, before the great chastisement will take place in the world, many of My devout children will be removed from this world and will be transformed in the blink of an eye and will be united with Him forever in His kingdom of love and glory.

Make this time your retreat of prayer, silence, meditation, your examination of conscience sincere and profound, correcting yourselves of your sins and changing your hearts in the love of My Son.

The Beast and the False Prophet already communicate and act among themselves, but one day, by the power of God, they will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire, where they will be tormented night and day for all eternity, according to the scriptures. All their evil deeds and all those who have followed their errors, outraging the Holy Name of the Lord, despising His Divinity, fighting against His Holy Church, will be devoured by the fire that will descend from Heaven and they will disappear forever from the face of the earth.

Teach everyone to be faithful to God, to always remain united to His Divine love, to seek refuge under His wings, because only the Lord will be of help for each one of them, on the day of His great and holy wrath.

God is holy, My son, and He asks for holiness and respect for His works and His Divine Majesty.

The Justice of God is holy and this Justice will judge you, looking for works of love in your lives, in every deed done in this world and may it find your actions full of Divine will and of love on the day when each one is judged by Justice; only thus, Justice will be disarmed and will give way to mercy.

Love! Love! Love and live of love and for love you will be judged and in His Kingdom you will be included.

I bless you, as well as all humanity, together with My Divine Son, the Love of your lives: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!”