“War will extinguish the voice of a third of humanity; its scourge will strike all nations”

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July 9 2020 – Urgent call from Jesus the Good Shepherd to His rebellious sheep.

Message to Enoc.

War will extinguish the voice of a third of humanity

“Sheep of my Flock, my Peace be with you.

Flock of mine, everything is being fulfilled as it is written, what comes out of my mouth does not return to Me without having given the fruit that I expect. This humanity has not wanted to listen to me, he refuses to put into practice the instructions that Heaven is sending through its messengers, the great trials are about to come and in continuing to turn their back on Me and not the face, millions of souls are going to be lost.

Lethargic humanity, wake up once for all! Look at the quantity of signs and signals in Heaven and on Earth that you are being given to wake you up from your lethargy and to return to God. Signs and signals that call you to a sincere conversion and that warn you of the Parousia (return) of your King and Savior. Ungrateful and sinful humanity, do not keep on remaining asleep by sin, because the time of Divine Justice does not know of any Mercy and will take you separated from God!

Sheep of my Flock, the rider of war, desolation and death, is approaching; he already began to pour out his cup upon the inhabitants of the Earth. War will extinguish the voice of a third of humanity; its scourge will strike all nations. Flock of mine, everything has been planned by the great Kings and the Elites, who rule this world, so that the war of these end times may spread through all the nations and may kill much of the world’s population. War will be used to spread the silent death through the air of the nations. No place on earth will be spared by the scourge of war; conspiracies will abound, and nations allied to the red dragon of communism, will attack without warning or declaration of war those nations serving the Great Country of the North. The Eagle of the Great Nation of the North will fall; the Red Dragon of communism will dominate the world for a while; its dominion will extend up to the last reign of the Antichrist. The Sickle and the Hammer, will subdued the nations and my Flock will walk into the desert (of purification).

Rebel sheep! What are you waiting for to return to the fold? I am making my last calls to you; respond with your bleating so that I can hear you and rescue you, because I am already at the gate of the fold and very soon, I will close it, and you will no longer be able to enter through it. It is your life being at stake, remember that the wolves are already on the loose and seeking to devour you and to steal your soul. Hurry up, do not be late, so that you do not have anything to lament for!

My Peace I leave you, my Peace I give you.

Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Master and Shepherd, Jesus the Good Shepherd.

Make my messages of salvation known to all mankind, flock of mine.”