
“Every soul needs help at the end of their life. One day, they will need prayers for the salvation of their souls”

Seeing Souls in Purgatory before their Appointed Time

Given to Valentina on July 17, 2020

Today, accompanied by an angel, I visited Purgatory. I was seated on a little bench, talking to the Holy Souls about the messages I receive from Heaven. They all listened intently. They told me how sorry they were that they had not met me before so that their souls would have benefited from hearing the messages.

All of a sudden, somebody rushed over to me and sat right next to me. I turned to my left and greeted this person, “Oh, hello!”

The person was a woman, and she was very anxious. She responded, “Hello. I have come up really close to you, and I want to stay with you because I want you to help me.

Very headstrong, she said, “I am not going to leave!”

As I listened, I looked more closely at her, and noticed that this person is Hillary Clinton! I thought to myself, ‘How could she be in Purgatory when she is still alive?’

I smiled at her, and after she said she is not leaving, I thought, ‘Oh no, it won’t be easy to get rid of her!’

I understood that this meeting with Hillary meant that I must pray for her while she is still alive.

I received the grace from our Lord, where He sends me people that are still alive on earth, but their souls visit me in Purgatory and are in need of my prayers and offerings.

It does not matter if a soul is rich or poor; every soul needs help at the end of their life. One day, they will need prayers for the salvation of their souls, and they will be very grateful.

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