Pedro Regis

“Men and women of faith will … be pursued and thrown away” (5012)

5.012 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted on August 29, 2020

Dear children, return to My Son Jesus. He loves you and awaits you with open arms. Do not allow the devil to lead you away from the path of salvation. You are the Lord’s and Him alone must you follow and serve. Do not get away from prayer. When you are apart, you become the target of God’s enemy. I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of your sufferings. Repent and be reconciled to God. You are moving towards a future of great suffering. Men and women of faith will drink the bitter cup of pain. They will be pursued and thrown away. Give me your hands and I will lead you to victory. Courage. You are not alone. I will always be with you. Forward in the defense of the truth. This is the message that I transmit to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to meet you here again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.