Great Tribulation Pedro Regis

“Those who love the truth will carry a heavy cross”

4194Message of Our Lady of Anguera, broadcast on 09/19/2015

Dear children, turn to the Lord and you will find strength to the hard times to come. You are vested in the Lord and only He should follow and serve. Do not let the things of the world take you away from the Way of Salvation. Repent sincerely. Do not back away. Stand firm on the path I have pointed out. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to lead you to heaven. You are heading for a painful future. Those who love the truth will carry a heavy cross. I suffer because of what is coming to you. Seek strength in prayer and in the Eucharist. Your victory is in the Lord. Courage. I will plead with my Jesus for you. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.


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  • It’s actually been quite some time since I had last visited this website. I guess during the time I was away, the old website had been taken down or was lost somehow which is somewhat disappointing, being that a lot of the information I had posted on there before was also lost and as far as I can tell is not here on this new website. First off I would like to thank our most holy and merciful Mother who gave birth to our savior and has always been speaking to the Lord on our behalf even up until now. I believe that this one of the big reasons why God has granted so much mercy to the world during this time when things could and should be going a lot worse then they already are. So for that, I am in eternal debt to you and our Heavenly Father for everything you’ve done for us since the beginning as well as feel infinitely grateful for all these mercies given to us which we truly do not deserve. Also I should say that I’m sorry for being the sinner that I am who deserves no less then an eternity in hell being that I wear the yoke of sin around my neck that makes me fall short of God’s grace to say the least. So a big thanks to you both and all the saints in heaven who also speak to the Lord on our behalf. I know that everyone up there is experiencing a great sorrow which spans throughout all of heaven during this time which is the time of great tribulation which our Holy Mother speaks about. I wish there was more that I can do but as a lowly and probably the most lowest of people who serve the Lord, there doesn’t seem to be much else I can do aside from what I am about to.

    Concerning this thing I’m about to do, when I was here last I told everyone that I was going to post a message concerning the possible time of when the great chastisement may be taking place which happens during the great tribulation that is upon us now. It has to do with a photograph names Jacinta 1972 which is said to contain a hidden date of when this event is to take place. The Lord said that this is a puzzle that mankind is to figure out and if we did not in time, then he would put it upon the planet himself. Since the time I had first seen this photograph that was brought to me years ago by my mom, I had made several attempts to release the information I had found concerning this photograph. I had even given the information to the organization that first made the photo known to everyone called The Last Days Ministry. That was my first attempt in which these people really didn’t do anything with what I submitted to them as far as I could tell. All I got in return was a catalog of some stuff they wanted me to buy along with a laminated rose petal that apparently the Holy Mother had shed her tears on from a stone statue of her which is constantly crying which people are still unable to explain how that is happening. Anyhow, since then I had tried several other times to somehow get the information I found out to the public but was somehow stopped in one way or another due to my current life’s situation at the time. Usually something to where I had no access to using the internet or unable to continue my work on revising a diagram I had made which explains my findings within the Jacinta 1972 photograph. This was caused by me becoming homeless usually because whenever I try to do things of this nature, everything seems to start working against me at every possible turn. AT this time I am finally able to once and for all get this last thing that I feel I have to do out of the way before I die I hope. Which with everything happening in the world now during this time, may come sooner rather then later with any luck. Before I get to it, I should also say sorry to all the people who had possibly been waiting on me to put this up back when the old website still existed. I have to admit that I was caught up with my own personal life a lot of the times which caused this task to slip my mind. Also I’m a lazy bastard as well so a super sorry to whoever for all that. Mostly to our Father and Lord. Sorry for being a useless hunk of iniquity Pop but I’m handling it K.

    Anyhow, since I can’t figure out how to start a new thread of my own on this new site, I decided to post it here which seems sitting enough being that it has to do with the great tribulation and all as well as what the Holy Mother mentioned above. So here it is finally. What I call Final Stage which honestly I can’t say that it is for sure 100% accurate or the truth because there really is no way to tell concerning things of this nature. All I can do is put my faith into it and our Lord but considering what we see going on around the world today, I feel that there is a strong possibility that what I found can be the real date of this event which is hidden in the photograph. I’m at a loss of what else to say about all this so lets just begin then. I will start all of it on the following comment which I will post after this one.

    • The old website was moved some time ago and the content was moved, but perhaps not all the comments made it in that process. There is such a large quantity that there were capacity limitations in export and import.

      I will have some comments on timing for a near future post.

      • Cool, thanks for the info on that and also it’s nice to see that you are still around Rem.

  • Firstly, I should explain what took place during the time that i had found this date when this picture was first shown to me by my mom one day back in 2009. Like most people who believed in what the bible said, I told her that only God knows the exact day that this world will come to an end. Now I realize that this message does not tell us when the worlds end will come but when the great chastisement will take place, so only God truly knows when the end is due. Also God had told Daniel everything about what is to happen during the end times which he said to seal away until that time comes which He will then release this information again. This now being the time and has been for awhile is likely why God sent us this message or warning. SO after telling my mom that only God knows this, that is when she brought up the whole thing about what it says at the end of the book of Daniel. After seeing this I thought why not give it a shot and in silence I said to God that I honestly believed that only He knew this and if this Jacinta message is really what it claims to be, then to let me see the date. Even though I knew and still am completely unworthy of such. After I had said that I began examining the picture again turning it to each angle and the first thing I noticed was a figure that looked like a cross. It seemed to stand out clearly to me which made the picture turned to the vertical position with the J at the bottom in the wording Jacinta. From the sign of the cross that I first strongly noticed, I began to see other number which all seem to start from that point. For some reason I only looked at the word Jacinta itself which is where I saw all the numbers that made up the date which I found. This happened before my mom showed me the website that originally began spreading this message which you can find here After I read this which in the first part that you read, it says to only look at the word Jacinta to find the time, day, year, and hour of when the great chastisement begins. This is one of the big reason being the first that actually made me think that what I saw may actually be the possible date for this event to take place.

    At that point I still doubted in it for the most part but after putting God to the test as he said for us to do. I just couldn’t outright deny the possibility that this picture in fact does contain the date of what we speak. In my test that I put God up to. I set out a dry rag and asked him that if what I saw was true, then by morning the next day let the rag be soaked with water, just like what Gideon had asked of God. Sure enough although I did not have a wool fleece to use, the dry rag I set out the night before was soaked wet with dew I’m guessing. I say that because I really don’t know how it was soaked like that aside from the possibility that it was from the morning dew although the air that morning was not very damp. At least not enough to make the rag I put out to be dripping with water as it did. So I guess I would say that was the second big reason why it became increasingly difficult to doubt what I saw in this photo. Another strange thing concerning how I saw that date that I’m explaining to you is that before each part of the date, I asked God to show me each of the part before seeing them which when I did see the numbers at the time, they seemed to stand out clearly to me as the first image I made out right after asking Him. Just like when I saw that first image which resembled the sign of the cross. These numbers starting with the month, day, then year, followed by the hour which is 12/23/2015 12:00pm. Concerning the time zone which I had wondered about since 12:00pm can happen a score of times in different parts of the world during one rotation of the earth on it’s axis, I then had asked God about this which I did a couple days after I had initially made out the date and time I mentioned. I happened to be in the shower at the time when that thought had crossed my mind and actually kneeled down in prayer when I asked God about this. Soon after I got out of the shower in a hurry caused by an overwhelming feeling which compelled me to look at the photo again as soon as possible. Again the figure seemed to begin from the sign of the cross just like the rest of the other numbers and I saw the letters PST. PST being Pacific standard time which actually kind of made sense since a lot of the world uses this time basis concerning trade and what not. L.A. time in other words and it also kind of made sense that it would take place in the PST time zone since that is where I happen to be for pretty much all my life and that I honestly believe God had showed me this message for whatever reason.

    I had tried my best on several occasions to put this message out as he told me to do so but it didn’t seem to go very far or on a couple occasions, circumstances were working against me in a way where I was unable to. Which is what seems to happen every time I go and do something God tells me to. No big surprise though seeing that life has always been this way for me at every turn. It’s as if misery and death had always been nipping at my heels since birth which there was a more then strong chance that I could have never been born actually. My parents are refugees that fled Vietnam during the war and they told me stories about several occasions in where they were being shot at by the VietCong while my mom was still pregnant with me but I guess everything happens for a reason although I have somewhat loathed being alive since the time I began to be an adult. Which started at the age of 13 or so when life started to really take a toll on me. I actually can’t remember a time since then that I ever felt happy and I was only happy before then because when I was was young, my head was empty. More so full of nothing good or what I would deem worthy in the eyes of the Lord and even now as I am I still feel that way about myself. I can say that I wouldn’t really want to be anyone else because I honestly don’t know how to be any other way. So I’m pretty much the same way around everyone at all times. since I have hated being alive for pretty much most my life, I can actually care less about myself for the most part which is actually not a bad thing. Since I don’t care about myself, it gives me no reason to lie, cheat, steal or manipulate others for personal gain. Because I seriously don’t want anything this world has to offer and haven’t for a very long time. In the end all is dust just as we are in which we will all return as God Stated. Also since I don’t care about worldly riches or treasure so to speak, I serve God not for any reward but only because I don’t know how to live any other way at this point. Also I know nothing about what treasures God has in store for us in heaven so why would I even care for such things or even eternal life really. All I know is that I have to serve because in my heart in head, I see no other way to go about it. Even at my own loss which is most of the time but God provides and has never once let me down seeing that I’m still breathing for whatever that’s worth. I seem to be infinitely more capable at caring for and taking care of others for the most part. Awhile ago I had told God that since I haven’t been happy in this life that I may as well help others at having an easier time through theirs. Strangely enough, I always have exactly what I need to help others or to get myself to the next job so to speak which is how it’s been for a long time now though I normally come out empty handed by the time I’m done. that’s what a life of someone who serves means though. To do more for others then you do for yourself without ever expecting anything in return.

    I feel blessed though even though my life pretty much sucked all the way through but in great suffering we humans attain knowledge and wisdom from it so I really don’t regret doing much of the stupid frivolous things that people tend to do throughout life. Especially in these times where most people are ruled by worldly things that mean nothing in the end which we all face and God calls the first death. I can honestly say that I most likely deserve the second which we all do being of sinful nature and what not. In all honesty since I don’t really care for treasures stored in heaven for me let alone here on this spinning ball of dust and none sense, my only reason to get to heaven even for only a moment is to apologize to our Father face to face right before I’m cast into hell which I know I deserve as we all do. Luckily God had come down and did what he did in human form in order to open the way for us if we happen to choose that way.

    Anyhow, I will include a diagram which I put together to help whoever bothers to even look at which will show the figures and numbers that I see in this photo. Is it the one true definite and correct date? I can’t say really but only time will tell. All I can really do is put my faith in it and the Lord because I’m tired and no more delays please. Time will tell but just look at the world around us as of right now and everything going on politically and religiously and you tell me if it’s coming soon or not. God said that he will come when people least suspect it like a thief in the night. When I ask people about this, most people say that we will never see it in our lifetime so if God comes when people least suspect it, well then there is your answer. I think everyone is in a for a big surprise very soon and there is a whole lot more suffering to come which none will be able to avoid. This world seems hard on everyone in one way or another and I have learned to deal with my own misery just fine because I don’t know anything else in life so have been used to it for until I die I guess I should say. What bothers me is seeing everyone else suffering this life if you can even call it that. It’s likely why I seem to not be able to help others whenever I am in a position which I’m able. It’s some kind of weird complex I had developed over the years where I can’t seem to do otherwise even for my own good because I always lose. This is fine by me because with nothing left to lose, i got everything to give in a way I guess. For a long time now everything in life seems to taste exactly the same which taste like a whole lot of nothing at all so what do I care about worldly anything. To be ruled by anything in this world is to be ruled by satan because he is the king of this world as it stands in this age of countless corruption. We find new ways to sin against ourselves and God on a daily basis. Take the internet for example. It’s a place that consist of nothing at all really yet it controls this entire world and has become a new place for new evils to be created. In Pope Leo XII’s vision, God said that satan will have the power and this is a part of that power he is able to exorcise upon the earth during his rule. Another is that children under the age of consent are now able to be oppressed and even possessed by demonic spirits when this was not the case before. At one point I considered becoming a priest but decided against that because I don’t agree with all the catholic doctrine and practices. I consider myself a Christian more so but I follow no religion. In my opinion, there is the Christian religion and then there is Christianity which was created the moment Christ had died on the cross. Not when bands of men came together to form moral and ethical structures we call religion.

    I wanted to be a priest at the time in order to perform exorcisms which I had studied about along with witchcraft, the occult and demonology. I had this idea after I had actually performed one without a clue on how it all actually worked when a friend had asked me for help concerning this years ago. This was before I had studied anything in these subjects and was the reason why I began to. All I knew was what it had said in the Bible about casting out demons and followed what I felt God told me to do at the time. At any rate it worked and the strange thing about it was that everything I needed in order to cast the demon out was already provided to me without me even knowing that I needed to know those things. One being the name of the demon which was told to me by the friend who asked for help. Two being the knowledge of how it had gotten into the victims life which I found out by questioning my friend about that because for some reason I felt like I needed to know. and Third and the most important is that one need to know that it is purely God’s power which drives the demon out and nothing having to do with the person performing the exorcism which is pretty much how I always felt about that anyhow. I learned all these things which I consider the three key points in performing exorcisms. The name of the demon is important to know although it may not seem to be. This is because universal law dictates that once you acquire the name of someone, it in turn gives you some kind of power over them being that they now exist inside your existence once they are known to you. All demons have a name and usually it has something to do with their speciality. In the demon world there is no general practitioner. Demons of whatever kind and nature they are are only good at one thing which they do well if not to perfection. Just like angels, there is a hierarchy when it comes to demons because they are fallen angels.

    I believe that what turns them into hideous beings which some are beyond the scope of human imagination is that these fallen angels have been bathed in the negative energy which is sin for so long, that it has twisted them into frightful images which no living human should ever have to see. Needless to say, I have seen a few throughout my lifetime, one occasion when I helped the friend out that I had just mentioned. Funny enough, being that it was a lesser demon of lower rank from what I could tell, it was not something great and terrible to behold but resembled what we depict as little grey men from Mars. This is likely why a lot of Christians believe aliens to really be nothing more the agents of the devil who have deceived us into thinking that they are something else so that they are less threatening to us when they reveal themselves to anyone at times. I keep hearing people talking about how the aliens are coming soon which in my mind is a sham to get all of us ready and willing to accept them as foreign friendly’s when they appear to us in masses. This will happen when God removes the veil that separates our dimension from theirs which in the Bible is called the second heaven. All dimensions exist in the same time and space but lower dimensions are not able to see higher ones which is how it seems to work. Therefor we are actually in constant spiritual warfare at all times either if we realize it or not. Most people have no knowledge about this and cannot fend for themselves because how do you protect yourself against something that you don’t even know really exist yet does. Also through my studies concerning things of this nature, I learned that people are not actually assigned a guardian angel until they actually proclaim themselves as a Christian or follower of God. You can now imagine how many people out there in the world are subject to the hands of these nefarious evil beings who are actually inter-dimensional beings. The reason why people that see UFO’s and what not describe it as if it were there one moment then gone the next is because they are traveling back and forth between the two dimensions and not because they move faster then the eye can see. I learned this when I observed the demon which left the area when I performed that deliverance on my friend i guess you would call it rather then an exorcism. Being that I am not actually an ordained exorcist and what not but it’s pretty much the same thing by either name you may refer to it as.

    I guess I am going off about all this is because this is what we are actually up against and due to contend against face to face in a short time to come. I had wondered why demons are so eager to cause man to sin or influence them in going that way. I had actually asked God about this awhile back and the answer was that they feed off of the negative energy humans give off when they commit sin. Thoughts and feeling are a form of pure energy and the nature of the thought or feeling determines the nature of the energy we give off being either negative or positive. This energy is what this entire existence is formed from which the holy spirit of God holds together to give everything and each things it’s form and shape as I said before. So demons feed off of the negative energy they derive from ours sin which makes them stronger as it is their main source of subsistence. Their whole plan is to amass enough energy to make their final war against God in the place they call Armageddon which is also known as the second heaven. At any rate, time is almost up for us as well as satan which is why everything seems to be going out of control faster and faster during these end times which we are now living through which is the time of great tribulation. The date in this photo is apparently when the great chastisement comes soon after the great warning God speaks of in the book of revelations which happens to be the book for our time that everyone should study now. To sum it all up, everyone will soon have to make a choice if they had not already concerning which side you serve. There is only two and if you think you are serving yourself and no other then you are in fact serving satan. As the Lord stated, if you do not know him then he will not know you in return on the day of our judgment. There is no in between and if you are lukewarm, God will spit you out of his mouth which he had also stated. If you don’t make a choice before it’s too late which is sooner rather then later sorry to say, then it will be made for you and you will not like the outcome I can tell you that for sure. So there it stands.where do you?…

    I guess my last bit of advice would be this which you should really ponder upon. A man knows this. That if he wants things to change for better or worse then he has to act. Also nothing can begin unless he moves. So don’t be caught sitting idle twiddling your thumbs in a stuper, not knowing what to do or where to go. Get up and move and make sure you don’t make the wrong one for your own sake. The choice is as clear as black and white. There is no grey area or in the middle. If you find yourself there then you are surely in a bad place because your are pretty much in the line of cross fire and no doubt you’ll be going down in such a position. The grey, middle, middle class. This is why there are so many so called middle class because it’s one of their tricks to keep up unaware and under control. No person has the right to rule anyone but themselves being that we are all truly created equal according to God who we are created after in his image. Not so much as the way our bodies are but us being of three parts. Mind, Body and spirit as God is the Father (mind), the Son (Body), And the Holy Spirit (God’s everlasting soul).

  • The following link is to the diagram I made and revised that shows and explains each part of the date I saw in the Jacinta 1972 photograph. Be my findings the right date or not which I can’t for sure say are myself, for whatever it’s worth I hope in either case it helps others and or gets them moving towards preparing themselves for what’s to come whenever it may.

    • Your 23 December 2015 date makes me think of this message:

      (Excerpt) My Body embraces the world today, but the world, while it may celebrate Christmas, is impervious to my plan of salvation. Christmas has become no longer a celebration of my birth, but a pagan substitute, where every honour is handed over in the pursuit of falsities. How weak the faith of Christians has become. … Next Christmas, the celebration of my birth will be replaced by a great ceremony, which will applaud the work of those imposters, who parade in My Church, wearing the garments which serve only to fool the faithful. On that day, they will applaud the God of social justice, human rights and the money they will say that they have raised for the world’s hungry.

  • The following links and comments are things which back up why I happen to believe that the date I was shown is possibly the right one. As much as I hope it is because I’m just so tired and have been for as long as I can remember, part of me doesn’t because I know that there are a lot of good people out there that will have to suffer even more then they already have in life when this event starts to take place. Again I have no clue if the date I provided is right but regardless if it is or not, one thing I can tell you is that it will come and soon at that. So take this in whatever way you will but I hope everyone will turn their lives back over to the Lord before time is up at any rate.

    1940 was his beginning

    “My children, you are facing now a great trial. Unless the world recognizes the supernatural, they cannot protect themselves from what is now loosed upon earth. I repeat: satan, not the lesser demons of hell but satan himself, now walks your earth. Earth year of 1940 was his beginning; he entered upon your country in 1971. Satan, the prince of darkness, the father of all liars, the master of deceit, is now here to claim his own.

    “This message, My child, will be met with scorn and mockery, but you must continue upon your way. Every voice throughout the world shall hear this message, and then, My children, shall come the end. The Gospel of truth will be sent throughout the world, and then, My children, shall come the end.”

    Exactly 33 years to the day prior to the great Miracle of the Sun in Fatima, that is, on October 13, 1884, Pope Leo XIII had a remarkable vision. When the aged Pontiff had finished celebrating Mass in his private Vatican Chapel, attended by a few Cardinals and members of the Vatican staff, he suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar. He stood there for about 10 minutes, as if in a trance, his face ashen white. Then, going immediately from the Chapel to his office, he composed the prayer to St. Michael, with instructions it be said after all Low Masses everywhere. When asked what had happened, he explained that, as he was about to leave the foot of the altar, he suddenly heard voices – two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh. They seemed to come from near the tabernacle. As he listened, he heard the following conversation

    The guttural voice, the voice of Satan in his pride, boasted to Our Lord: “I can destroy your Church.

    ” The gentle voice of Our Lord: “You can? Then go ahead and do so.”

    Satan: “To do so, I need more time and more power.”

    Our Lord: “How much time? How much power?

    Satan: “75 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves over to my service.”

    Our Lord: “You have the time, you will have the power. Do with them what you will.”

    Since satan is the origin of all sin and a fallen angel who was the first which turned into the most powerful demon to exist, he possesses no virtues which one of is patience. Therefore he will not wait 100 years but try to do it in the fastest time possible which would be 75 years. You can see this by how fast the world and the people who have followed the way of this world are going out of control more and more as each day passes. It almost seems as if they are always in a rush to party as hard as they can, flagrantly sin with no remorse as much as they can and act with complete disregard for others as they rush about their daily live as if they were running out of time. The reason for this is because even though those people do not believe in God, they are still effected by the Holy Spirit because that is actually what is keeping their souls inside their bodies. Scientist studies are still unable to determine what exactly keeps all the molecules that exist in everything in this world together to give it it’s form but they know that there is some unknown force that is holding everything together which they are able to see with electron microscopes. It is the Holy spirit which does this which is why they say God exist in everything. This is why those people are still effected by the Holy Spirit which is telling them time is almost up. Therefore causing these people to be more and more in a rush day by day although they don’t understand why they feel that way or don’t even stop to look at themselves for even a moment.

    Anyhow, If satan’s beginning started earth year 1940, then 75 years from then would make it 2015 and as I said before, satan being of pure evil without any virtues is not able to wait 100 years. This message along with Pope Leo’s XII’s vision is another big reason why I believe the date I found hidden in this picture may very likely be the day that the great chastisement mentioned in the book of revelations will begin.

    The “Jacinta 72” photo that Robert F. took on September 14,1971. Jacinta, the child-seer of Fatima (inset), appeared to Veronica at a vigil, to confirm that she had written the message on the picture. She wanted to draw attention to the prophecy that she had made before her death concerning the year 1972. The date refers to the year of the takeover of Pope Paul VI’s reign by Satan and his agents through faithless members of the Curia. Also, in the wording “Jacinta” is found the hour, day, month and year of the Chastisement to befall mankind.

    • I interpret the 75 to 100 years as 100 and starting at the time of Fatima, which is when atheism became an official form of government called communism or Marxism in 1917. Therefore the great chastisement, the 3 days of darkness where we are praying in our homes with blessed candles, would occur in October 2017. Hence the Miracle is before – 13 April 2017 (St. Hermeneguild – martyr of the Eucharist on Holy Thursday) and the Illumination (‘Warning’) is up to one year before that. I think May 2016, which is when the abomination of desolation would take place also. I can see so many dates in the Jacinta 1972 photo that I am not sure of all the references.

      • Well it maybe those dates but I honestly cant make out a 6 or 7 in the word Jacinta which the hint given by the Holy Mother was to only look at that word itself. I also had heard that MDM said we were at the half way point sometime during 2012 as well as something about the antichrist taking power like late 2008 or early 2009. Which if that happened to be the correct dates then that would land us somewhere in 2015 or so I would think. Well at any rate like I said, Much of me would like it to come sooner rather then later but part of me also doesn’t due to all the people in the world that would suffer and overall perish with the things to come before this event happens let alone the actual event itself. Either way like I said, it’s still coming quite soon from what I can tell but I never said that I claimed what I found is 100% beyond a shadow of a doubt the correct date. I just got a feeling about it and again concerning things of this nature, it’s difficult to guarantee the validity of something like this.

      • Remnant clergy, please could you explain what you mean by ‘miracle’. I understand what ‘great chastisement’ and ‘ warning’ mean. As for this work you are doing, may you reward be immense.

        • You can get info on the Miracle at

          Summary: It’s a visible sign from God during the reign of the Antichrist. The sick will be cured…the unbelievers will be converted… Conchita knows the nature of the great miracle as well as the exact date and she will announce the date eight days before it happens. The means of communicating the date to the world will be a miracle in itself. It will be able to be filmed, photographed and televised. Third , a Permanent Sign will remain at Garabandal in memory of the miracle as visible proof of our Blessed Mother’s love for all humanity. It will be a “thing” never before seen upon the earth. It can be photographed by not touched.

          My opinion is that it will be like the Shekhinah Glory in the O.T. in Solomon’s Temple.

  • So with this all said and done being the 5th time or so that I tried getting all of this out to everyone, I feel somewhat relieved that it’s off my plate but not all that much honestly. I more feel a sense of dread and despair because of what’s in store for all of us soon. I’m sure I’m going to catch all kinds of heat and ridicule for this by the troll brigades that patrol forums and websites like this one but that’s all fine. Really though I should say that trolling on me is a complete waste of time. It changes nothing nor do I care about opinions coming from the likes of them so go on and bash on me all you like. What’s done is done and there is no stopping it from coming down on all our heads in short time. I just wonder though, what will they all do with this information I put out this time around. Will they disregard it like The Last Days Ministry did when I first gave it to them or will they actually make use of it? I guess all I can do at this point is wait and see so let us see what comes of all this.

  • By the way I should have put this post under chastisement but didn’t notice that there was an actual area for this particular subject so sorry about that…

  • Dear DeusServoNobis,

    I am so very sorry about the difficult and unhappy life you’ve lead. I recognize and commiserate with the profound pain which has colored your life and your nature black. I recognize it because the color of my life is black, too. The soldiers didn’t shoot at my mother when she was pregnant with me, but I, too, am a child of death. Ten of my siblings didn’t make it past the 1st trimester of pregnancy; that I was left to live is an unhappy miracle that God wanted to happen. And yes, others who don’t experience a tragic beginning of life which inevitably colors the rest of one’s life darker, cannot understand or compassionate with us no matter their politeness or charity.

    Black is best understood by black. Yellow and black can co-exist, but not commiserate. Sure that God’s grace puts lots of colors around the black, but that doesn’t change the black. What I mean is that though we are children of blackness, we can also enjoy and appreciate the many different colors around us and even adopt some of the bright colors. But we also always go back to the one color we know the best, we are familiar with the most – black. St. Padre Pio understood people like us when he said, “I only suffer when I am not suffering.”

    God bless you and keep you. Thank you for sharing. And yes, God will, as He always does, bring good out of all the evil in the Church and in the world soon. He makes the black shine. : )

    • In my opinion, I would say that you being the only one of your siblings to make it alive out of the womb is likely a blessing and may ultimately mean that you were born to serve a greater purpose in service of our Lord. Either to be a beacon of hope and guide for others to return to the Lord in the dire times to come if not already having done that in some way already with the people you have come across in your life. Don’t think of yourself as a child of death because obviously from what I see, it more sounds like you have the spirit of our Lord in you which is life.

      Look at it this way which is really the only way I can describe it concerning myself but may as well go for you also. We are children of God not of death nor darkness. It is that in search for the Lord throughout our life, we tread where most men fear to go. In to the darkness which is where the light of God and his ever lasting word shines brightest. Because from there it can be seen clearly due to the fact that in the darkness, it stands out undeniably. To know and see true evil is to also know and see what is truly good and righteous in other words. Concerning what I have experienced and still do now, these terrible things makes God’s truth undeniable to me. Who He is and who He says He is. I would be a fool fooling myself if I were to say otherwise considering what He has allowed me to see. How can anyone deny that God exist when they have seen the devil and his agents as well as their hands hard at work in the lives of the people who have given themselves to him knowingly or unknowingly. Do you understand?

      I’m not sure what you have experienced throughout your life but I’m sure they were great and terrible things that most people should not or don’t ever see their entire lives. As horrifying or heart breaking as they may have been, in a way it is a blessing to be granted the real truth of the existence we all live. So for whatever it’s worth, I’m sorry you had to go through such hardships but rejoice for the truths that God bestowed onto you in the ways that he did. Also thanks for your words of encouragement. Honestly I don’t deserve them because the truth of the matter is I’m not even fit to lick the dust of our Lords sandals as the person that I am.

  • If possible maybe a forum moderator can move this to the chastisement section which I think this subject is more suitable there. If not then no big deal and thanks anyhow.

    • Comments can only be placed on individual articles. There is no “section” concept for comments, nor is there a discussion board capability. Specific articles can be marked as chastisement and then you would comment there.

  • Recently I had come across a new realization concerning the origin of the anti-christ or more so his genetic origin. It is prophesied that the anti-christ will be conceived from the union of man and a jackal which I honestly can’t remember what source had come out with that, but I remember that it was something I had heard a long time ago when I was much younger.

    For some reason I was just doodling on some cardboard about a week ago and was messing around with some sketches, which one of was a dog looking like head which I thought looked like a jackal. Then that thought all of a sudden crossed my mind about what I heard way back when concerning the whole about the anti-christ being born of a jackal. I then realized that this did not mean that some man would lay with a jackal which would give birth to the anti-christ, but more so that the DNA of a jackal would be infused in the clone that would one day be the body of the anti-christ. I am sure now that the DNA which will actually be used is from the Egyptian god of death they called Anubis who was depicted as a being who had the body of a man and the head of a jackal. This false god just like all the other gods of the Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Aztec and Mayan beliefs are no more then fallen angels or nephalim who had posed as gods during those times.

    Anyhow, if you read what I talked about before concerning the whole thing about Obama possibly being a clone who’s DNA originated from ancient Egyptian kings, if he is actually the anti-christ then it is more likely he is clones using the blood of this false god named Anubis hence the anti-christ being born of a jackal I believe.

  • Recently the website ImageShack that I had the diagram I made was changed to where free accounts are no longer able to upload the link of an image to other websites. So I found another website to reupload the diagram on and the following link is where it can be viewed. Sorry for any trouble this may have caused and I hope this serves us well in some way or other.

  • Not sure why but it seems every time I try to put this one piece of information out I seem to get foiled in some way or other without fail. Strange but I hope this time around it stays un-tampered with and remains accessible for anyone interested who wants to see.