New Era Pedro Regis

Humanity is on the brink of a great abyss, but you can change this

4105-Message of Our Lady transmitted in Campinorte / GO transmitted in 23/02/2015

Dear children, do not let the flame of faith go out within you. Take care of your spiritual life and be lead by Jesus. You are important for the realization of My plans. Open your hearts and accept the will of God for your lives. Do not live far from the Grace of the Lord. You live in a time of great spiritual confusion. Bend your knees in prayer and all will be well for you. I know your needs and will speak to My Jesus for you. I encourage you to take up your true role as Christians. Humanity is on the brink of a great abyss, but you can change this. Return to The Lord. He loves you immensely and awaits you with open arms. Give me your hands. I came from Heaven to lead you to Him Who is your Way, Truth and Life. Courage. Nothing is lost. Thanksgiving day will come for the righteous. Do not lose heart. The Victory of God will happen and you will see the transformation of the Earth. Forward without fear. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

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    Servant Leung (14 Feb 2013)
    “Re Grace “Vision of Pope” pertaining to the locusts”

    Dear doves



    Bro. Vincent Selvakumar

    Heard sound of many trumpets speaking ‘RIGHTEOUSNESS HAS DEPARTED FROM MEN.’

    He was brought then to DABA RIVER BANK; its waters gives ability to see, hear and speak God’s word, also one can see crystal clearly then.


    He saw VISION OF 4 GROUPS OF LOCUSTS: green, black, oily in color, whitish;

    The locusts were pregnated and gave birth to swarm of locusts which stood like in a regimental, military fashion. Mother locusts opened mouth and made noise and swarm went in all directions, over-shadowed the sun. There were openings in their stomachs and out came fluid-like substance that rained upon the earth. Everything that they touched on the earth began to wither and rot away.

    Then he saw YELLOW-LIKE SMOKE RISING UP LIKE INCENSE, increased in strength causing all locusts to become unconscious and fall down. The east wind blew away locusts.

    1) BLACK LOCUSTS also gave birth to swarm of locusts in military fashion, FLYING OVER ANIMALS. There were different classes of sheep and goats, huge and small. Some sheep to be brought to shearers.

    Locusts have poisonous sting, coming upon the goats and the goats became strong, fought, banged against each other, departed from each other. The locusts caused destruction of plants and trees. Milk of goats became poisonous that their baby goats died when they drank the milk.

    The same thing happened to the sheep. Bro. Vincent thought, ‘Where have the shepherds gone?’ Some shepherds were counting their money, some were sleeping. Locusts flying over the shepherds, dropped liquid over them which was sweet like honey. The shepherds began to catch the honey. Even though they heard the goats shouting and crying, they did not pay heed.

    Suddenly, WHITE SMOKE rising up like incense, floated across plains, hovered over the goats and people affected by the locusts. Shepherds looked at the hills and began to curse the hills, wanted to see where the white smoke was coming from. The fire came on the mountain to consume the wicked shepherds, blinded them.

    2) WHITE LOCUSTS: mother locusts also gave birth to swarm of locusts, began to sing like flute and the swarm moved in all directions, FLYING ACROSS THE WATERS ONLY – all kinds of waters, bitter waters, sweet waters, smelt waters, like vinegar rivers, streams, oceans, seas; showed their strength to children. The sound of their wings was like clap[ping of hands; yellowish liquid from their bodies dropped on the waters. The waters were defiled as a result and the waters became like drunken wine.

    THE LOCUSTS ALSO FLEW TO THE TEMPLE where laver of washing is kept. Voice from the Altar of Burnt Sacrifice – ‘This water is an abomination fit for idols, but not for the Living God.’
    Then I saw SMOKE RISING UP quickly from the midst of thorns, it was whitish and ashish. As the smoke rises up, the locusts seem to lose their strength and fall down. At that time, fire came from the altar of God and began to destroy them. Then a sweet incense rose up from another place and began to sanctify the temple of God.

    3) OILISH LOCUSTS: Then I saw another group of bright locusts which did not look like the previous locusts. They began to open their mouths and began to vomit out heavy-set worms upon the earth. Wherever the worms wriggled, there was blood. Also like military regiment. The mother locust’s voice thundered, crying out for WAR. At the locusts’ back was something like fire.

    Six groups of locusts moved in different directions intending to destroy the OIL OF THE EARTH. Wherever they flew, they were spewing fire on the earth like lightning burning whatever it hit.

    I heard SOUND OF PEOPLE WAILING AND CRYING AND PRAYING which destroyed two groups. And when they continued praying, they destroyed another two groups. Mighty thunder and lightning came from the presence of God, destroying the remaining two groups.

    When I saw this, God told me, ‘These are the terrible things that are coming upon your earth. They represent dangers. When the green locusts attack, many nations will suffer FAMINE. It’s not only famine from food, but economic famine in many nations. They will suck the wealth of the nations. They will cause the works of men to rot away and fly away in the wind.’

    The black locusts will zero in on GOD’S SHEEP & GOD’S CHURCH. It may be something like a HARD DOCTRINE. When the locusts sting the sheep, many seem to have gone mad. Confusion comes to them. The sheep are banging against each other. They fall down with blood oozing from them. Even the milk coming from mother goats become poisonous. The kids that drink the milk fall down dead and the locusts eat all their flesh. In order for the shepherds mot to see what they are doing, the locusts give to the shepherds some kind of benefit like financial aid, like increasing their wealth to stir away their eyes from looking at the sheep towards the wealth. These locusts will target the CARELESS & LUKEWARM SHEPHERDS.

    In the coming days, GREAT DARKNESS IS COMING UPON THE CHURCH OF GOD. Some wealthy people are going to target the churches and cause confusion. They are going to give a lot of money to those who lead churches. They will sow words and teachings into the people that will cause them to turn their backs against God.

    4) WHITE LOCUSTS: And the white locusts that I saw signify HOLINESS where they fly over all nations of the world. It will remove holiness from the hearts and minds of the people. It will use its beauty to deceive the people. They are going to give their bodies to abominable lusts. They will come upon children and toddlers. Everywhere there will be no importance for holiness.

    IT WILL ALSO FLY OVER THE TEMPLE, over the water tank in the temple. Even people in the temple are going to give themselves to such abomination, resulting in temple worship becoming abominated.

    The Lord clearly explained that the SMOKE that must rise up from the earth that will cause the locusts to fall must be a sweet incense that must rise up from the temple. It is the PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS that must rise up from within their hearts. The Lord said, “Commit these things to people who will pray. They will wage war against these locusts. Let them raise up their swords against those locusts that have intended to cause them blindness. There is no other way you can turn away these locusts except by PRAYER. Therefore, people that will truly seek God must rise up. They must lift up the bowls of incense from all over the world and pray unto God. If the prayers will not rise up, great destruction will come from the locusts.“

    Besides these 3, God revealed another group of locusts. It was something that was very oily, transparent and coming from its back was something like fire. And there was sound of thunder and wherever they fly, fires are brewing and huge smoke rises up. And all these locusts want to cause destruction to OIL-PRODUCING NATIONS. It targets these nations and fly there. Maybe it will cause war among oil-producing nations. And because they go in 6 groups, six nations may gather together to target the oil-producing nations, causing division among them, which may spill the whole world. They may throw missiles among them. God’s people are invited to rise up and pray against this which can cause confusion against the instigators.

    Great darkness is coming upon the world, even in the church where there will be confusion. We are invited to wait upon God and pray against all these.

    As I continued to wait upon God and asked what more will happen, the Lord spoke to me, “As was written in the book of Revelation (chap 10) an OPEN BOOK will be made manifest to My people. You are going to see this from this year onwards.” God is going to do a new thing among His people this year. Vs. 8 John ate scroll which was sweet in the mouth but bitter in the stomach, ‘Thou must prophesy again about many people and nations and tongues and kings.’ This statement does not refer to John but represents THE COMING PROPHETIC GENERATION. In the coming days, this book which was in the hand of the angel is going to be opened by men. The time has come for you to open the book and eat it. Men are going to be transformed to be made ready to receive this book which will not be read or preached from, but men are going to eat the words and PROPHESY them to peoples, nations, to tongues and to kings. The book represents the coming spirit of prophecy of God.

    This anointing is going to come upon these last days’ generation which will give many revelations and secrets. You are going to see God begin to do this from this year onwards.

    The angel will teach the people how to use that book. You cannot use this anointing to prophesy in a normal way. This is a KINGLY ANOINTING.

    It is a different anointing from the past. They will be filled with the power of God. They will cry out to God for that prophetic anointing, and they will receive it. Then they will open their mouth and prophesy to nations. They will prepare the way for the King of kings.

    The Lord says, ‘The time has come for this to be fulfilled.’ From this year, the Lord will give the climax of that anointing. You are going to receive that anointing. GOD IS GOING TO RAISE UP A HUGE COMPANY OF PROPHETS. Many people’s eyes are going to be opened; our churches’ eyes are going to be opened; the youth’s (children, etc.) eyes are going to be opened.

    The churches must open their doors for this anointing that God is going to give, must prepare themselves for this anointing. If you will not do this, your church will be consumed by the locusts. God’s power will come like honey upon our churches. It will consume like fire. Our churches will understand the mind of God.


    Thanks for the spiritual gift from our Lord Jesus Christ
    Servant Leung