Anne Catherine Emmerich

Francis Prophecy Fulfilled – “You have to live and let live”

Blessed Catherine Emmerich, AA II. 488.

“I saw within a city, a meeting of clergy, laymen and women, who were sitting together, eating and making frivolous jokes, and above them a dark cloud which descended in a plain submerged in darkness. Amid this fog, I saw Satan sitting and around him, many companions as people were in the meeting which was going on underneath. All these evil spirits were continually moving and busy trying to push the people at this meeting to do evil. They whispered to them to their ears and acted on them in all possible ways. These people were in a very dangerous state of sensual excitement and in provocative conversations. Churchmen were those whose principle were: “You have to live and let live. In our time we should not be apart or be a misanthrope (a person who hates or distrusts humankind): we must rejoice with those who rejoice.”

What was the top secret of happiness according to Francis?

1. “Live and let live.” Everyone should be guided by this principle, he said, which has a similar expression in Rome with the saying, “Move forward and let others do the same.”


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  • So many Catholic radio and TV programs try to gloss over some of these glaringly dangerous statements by Francis: ‘The interpretation is not correct’…….’the media spins what he says and doesn’t report the entire story’ ‘he has a different style than Benedict, much more casual and blunt’……..on and on and on. What I would suggest to these people is that they quit listening to what he says and watch what he does. Watch who he surrounds himself with, watch who he invites to the Vatican, who he has appointed to the upcoming final Synod etc. He came out with the loaded Encyclical that was pretty much capitulating with the U.N. (the most corrupt and evil organization in the WORLD!) People are even trying to spin that saying it’s ‘Catholic’ to the core (???????) and also saying he was given bad advice (????????) To those people I would say, he didn’t read his own Encyclical before putting his seal on it??? Nancy Pelosi comes to mind. His seal is on the thing…..he OWNS IT.