4006-Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 07/12/2014 Print
Dear children, do not lose hope. Give me your hand and I will lead you to Him Who is your Way, Truth and Life. When you feel the weight of the cross, call for Jesus. Only in Him is your true liberation and salvation. Do not stand still. My Lord loves you and awaits you with open arms. I know each of you by name and will speak to My Jesus for you. Pray. You live in a time worse than the time of the flood. Hearken. Put your confidence in Jesus and He will take care of you. He is the Good Shepherd who takes you into his arms and leads you. Rejoice, because your names are already written in my Immaculate Heart. In the great final battle, those who consecrate themselves to Me shall come to experience great joy. Forward without fear. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite with you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be at peace.
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