Give My Mother much love today. Draw closer to Her. Give to Her the gift of the Present Moment

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  • Give My Mother much love today. Draw closer to Her. Give to Her the gift of the Present Moment

May 11, 2014
Mother’s Day

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today, as in every present moment, I give to you the Heart of My Mother. Her Immaculate Heart is All Mercy – All Love. She is the Mother of All Mercy – All Love. My Mother is always your protection and your assistance. Like any mother, She knows your needs better than you do. My Mother’s Heart is All Truth and longs to gently correct each of Her children – drawing them back into the Truth.”

“A mother desires only the best for Her children. Therefore, your Heavenly Mother longs for each one’s salvation. As Her Immaculate Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem, the Flame of Her Motherly Heart purifies and cleanses the souls of Her children, preparing them for sanctification. You can liken this purification to a Mother’s correction of a child who is in error. The Mother gently draws her child back onto the right path.”

“Give My Mother much love today. Draw closer to Her. Give to Her the gift of the Present Moment. She extends Her Arms to all humanity waiting to embrace every soul.”