Governments have made sin into freedom, bypassing the Truth

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  • Governments have made sin into freedom, bypassing the Truth

March 25, 2014
Feast of the Annunciation

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, as you celebrate My ‘Yes’ to the Angel Gabriel, please understand that, these days, the legal system is embroiled in conflict with righteous choices. Governments have made sin into freedom, bypassing the Truth. This has compromised consciences to the point of souls not searching for the Truth in God’s Eyes and not recognizing or even considering God’s Will.”

“A simple ‘yes’ was what the Archangel needed at the Annunciation. I surrendered My will to the Will of the Father. In that moment, Heaven touched earth and quietly changed the course of human history. Today, governments have imposed the formation of evil upon the consciences of the world so that righteous decisions are scoffed at – even scorned. Do not confuse, dear children, the false consciences the government imposes upon you by law with the Truth of God’s Will for you. Your salvation weighs in the balance.”

Holy Love