Holy Love

In Russia, the leader is showing his true colors. He is an aggressor, not to be trusted

March 5, 2014

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I have come to discuss the current state of the world. My Son’s Heart mourns for the abuse of power, such as it is. Currently, in Russia, the leader is showing his true colors. He is an aggressor, not to be trusted, not to be pandered to, as your president has tried. He is using his power to overtake peoples and territories which are not his to take – clearly an abuse of authority.”

“Your president reminds Me of a fine race car at the starting line. It looks powerful and opposing, but when the gun goes off, it is discovered there is no engine inside. All the other cars take off and leave the ’empty’ car in the dust. Your president holds a powerful office, but he abuses his authority, as well, by not fulfilling the office he was given – not functioning as a leader.”

“Words, agreements and sanctions will not remedy the situation in the Ukraine. The enemy has weakened your country by political division and over-commitment to other nations in the world. He has cleverly used moral issues as a method of dividing this nation politically and of confusing your goals. While you are attempting to bring social justice to all, whole nations are losing their freedom!”

“The aggressor in Russia does not seek unity and peace. He will seek more territories unless he is stopped. Your nation has always been the peacekeeper, with its ‘no- nonsense’ approach to aggression. These days the world has peeked under the hood of the ‘race car’ – your president – and discovered there is nothing inside.”

“Pray, pray, pray.”


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  • We don’t know that Western translators properly translate what Putin says. Do you really trust CNN? Lol. Clueless. Let’s all get together and bash the one man on earth who dares stand up to the Homosexual Maffia AND the New World Order (roughly equivalent to NATO). Yeah, that makes sense.

    What concern is it of Europe’s or America’s if Crimea decides to secede from Ukraine and become part of Russia, and does so by a vote? Their interest is that they’ve lost one nation that they intended to put in the shackles of homosexuality, and that’s their only interest.

  • Should it surprise us that Heaven could have a better perspective on the motives and intentions of world leaders than we? This is not to say we are to blindly accept this message as being of Heaven without careful reflection since it did, especially at the time given, seem completely contradictory to known information and facts. That reflection for proper discernment however must certainly start with an honest, truthful and settled answer to first question which human pride often to its own destruction finds so easy to dismiss with the prideful urge for rash judgment to puff oneself up before others. I must admit I myself was very disturbed for several reasons when the revelation was first given. I had of course wanted to believe Putin’s moral and religious expressions were completely sincere. But most disturbing was that this message was picturing Putin as an invader when all I could see was that it was the West who had infiltrated Ukraine and incited the overthrow of an elected pro-Russian president and government. I also saw that Russia was apparently only moving into that semi-independant state of Crimea to protect its legitimate gas and naval interests, the population of which was mostly Russian and now have proven to want allegiance to Russia rather than “Western” Ukraine.

    I really struggled with this even after prayer getting confirmation this message was of Heaven until I began to see that Heaven had a much bigger picture in view and could see the full intentions of Putin which are only now being revealed in his invitation to Poland, Romania and Hungary to join Russia in sharing Ukraine! See video of Reuters news article: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z-vhuuNgIY#t=117

    Part of this understanding also came remembering the prophecy of Fatima that Russia, left unconsecrated, AND UNCONVERTED, would obliterate nations. Another part of this understanding came in coming across these prophecies to Catholic prophets:

    Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser, founder of the secular clergy societies in the eighteenth century: “God will permit a great evil against His Church: they will come bursting in suddenly and unexpectedly while bishops and priests are asleep. They shall enter into Italy and devastate Rome, burn churches and destroy everything.”

    Mother Elena Aiello, famed stigmatic who was often consulted by Pope Pius XII: “Italy will be shaken by a great revolution (…) Russia will prevail over the nations, and especially over Italy, and will raise the red flag over the dome of St. Peter.”

    Elena Leonardi, spiritually guided by Padre Pio: “The Vatican will be invaded by communist revolutionaries. They will betray the Pope. Italy will suffer a major revolt and will be cleansed by a great revolution. Russia will march on Rome and the Pope will be severely endangered”.

    This is certainly not to say Putin is worse than the powers of the West! It is saying this advance of Russia is simply wrong and because it is the last destruction required by Anti-Christ to being in his World rule and it will destroy Rome. The mention of Obama being an empty shell reflects the vanished spiritual power in America as a whole and thus no longer able to hold the evil of communism back from its advance on Europe (or in America for that matter!) . John Kennedy, who finally converted (thanks to the prayers of his devout mother Rose!), before his last acts to save America was of course assassinated because anti-Catholic Protestant America even by 1963 was a gone-er.

    So this revelation which stunned all of us who first heard it when given at the Holy Love apparition site in Ohio has now been revealed to be correct given the much bigger picture that none of at the time saw. That is itself an authentication of the visionary and the message. http://www.holylove.org

    • “Should it surprise us that Heaven could have a better perspective on the motives and intentions of world leaders than we?”

      I’m sure heaven does. But your little race-car speech here ain’t really from heaven. You wrote it yourself. A little pointer: next time you put fake quotes in Mary’s mouth, try to avoid the anachronism. Even if she can see down here and watch NASCAR, you would think it’d be more natural for her to use illustrations from her own time. Why not have her make literary illusions to novels that just came out last year while you’re at it, or have her reference an episode of Burn Notice.

    • If Europe and the Kenyan man-child would just shut up and let Russia handle its own business in peace, it would have no need to advance. I saw Obama’s speech on CNN today at the restaurant where I ate lunch. Among his huffing and puffing that “big countries can’t bully little countries” he had to throw in there “we shouldn’t be attacking our gay and lesbian friends” or some such phrase like that. So what I said in my previous comment the other day has been validated. Why are Europe and Russia ganging up on Putin? He stands firm against their homoperversion.

      Why doth Obama rage, and Europe imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed? Because they love Sodomy.

  • This is B.S. Putin has shown that he is a man of peace by what he did in Syria! This is absolute crap.

    • You are sadly mistaken HW, if you think that we believe every apparition and message given is automatically authentic- whether supposedly given through Mary or Jesus. We have spoken about this at length in several ways incl conversations about discernment. Hence Anne’s questioning is valid. Everyone’s is. Putin, has, in many ways, appeared to do right. We must remember that does not mean he can do no wrong either. The enemy is not one country- he is everywhere and controls most world leaders. There is no point doing anything other than praying for them- AND for all the poor lost souls who offend God brazenly by their actions, endorsements, laws and words. As far as world events go, we will soon see, anyway. Wait patiently on The Lord. By all means be attentive! Look up some alternative news sites to find out what’s really going on. The mainstream media does not wish to reveal truth, but to further their own agenda.

  • I would be very suspicious to read a message supposedly from Heaven, having the Holy Mother of God and our Mother, speaking in such a vulgar manner.

    • Wait. Hold on a minute. You are questioning something said by Mother Mary. All her words are beyond reproach aren’t they? All her words, as long as they don’t conflict with church doctrine, is as good as gospel.

    • Probably the priests that support sodomy. Let them flee from the Russia army crying out with their effected fag lisp “Oh this is so unChristian to persecute the poor LGBT community. Pope Francis said ‘Who am I to judge?’ so who does Putin think he is to judge?”

    • UPDATE 3: There is also a very good possibility, even a likelihood, that Putin is part of the globalist strategy for WW III, playing his part as antagonist to the decadent West, to give him an advantage in his planned aggression which may not only include Europe and Rome but in hitting military and missile bases in the US. Those manning our missile sites have been absolutely stunned by orders to “make every preparation for a retaliatory strike.” So as the US military was ordered to stand down on 9/11 we have another stand down order over the nuking of America. One wonders what that comment made by Obama to Putin really referred to over that hot mic, “I will have more freedom after my next election.” I believe Obama has orders to turn over America to Russia. Plans are that they, with others foreign troops will attempt enforce the globalist agenda in America. If you know your history the globalist also used Hitler in the same way to get WW II started.

      The illuminatists have from 1871 known they needed three world wars to create the chaos they needed to bring in their Luciferian religion. You might want to check out what Albert Pike told us way back in 1871 about these needed wars in which he identified precisely the nature of all three: http://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm

      The world, so outraged over the aggressions of the West, without seeing the whole picture, and by their ignorance of the place Heaven had for the Catholic Church for world peace (the consecration of Russia), now stands down over this last move of Satan to bring in conditions for the successful rise of Antichrist and the worldwide worship of Lucifer (the Light bearer) as the true Christ, a statue of whom stands in NY harbor, the man dressed in drag, a donation by its Masonic creators. By its “liberty” it has created in Protestant America (and Britain) the financial and military and globalist engine for the Luciferian New World Order.

      • David, your #3 gets my vote. We must be visiting the same websites. Have you heard that Putin’s plan to invade Alaska was also leaked from Roman Kokorev’s Facebook. (Highly credible accounts.)…

        “These same insider reports also indicate that Putin is prepared to counter any strike upon Syria, with an attack upon Alaska and the former Soviet Socialist Republics in Eastern Europe.” The Russian disinformation agents are attempting to erase Kokorev’s ill-timed revelation of Russian intentions for Alaska.

        “Roman Kokorev, introduced himself to the Facebook as representative of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe, said that the return of the Russian territory of Moldova, Ukraine, other former Soviet republics, as well as Alaska, the Baltic States, Finland and Poland.”!

        • Yes, Anne, these are all credible reports, including the threat that Russia could turn America into nuclear ash. And Putin is in a position to now do pretty much as he wants, because that seems to have been the plan from the top all along. Heaven’s unusually blunt disclosure three weeks ago now seems completely justified. Heaven obviously does NOT want this aggressive reaction of Putin.

          • Correct, David. Mystic and stigmatist Christina Gallagher has seen a large EQ in the U.S. from the effects of massive explosions over a large city in the middle of the U.S. in which she understands as being nuclear.

          • Dear David J. Please read what Jesus has warned us in the MDM messages – Do Not Engage With The Enemy.
            It’s an invitation for Satan to enter in. I’m old enough to be your grandmother, and I ask you to Stop engaging. Quietly pray for the enemy. Promise?

  • I agree Anne. If I have learned anything it is that God loves us all, equally. His desire is that we all accept the truth and salvation.

  • What in Heaven’s name have you to do with commenting on a Catholic website. Troll #1 and Troll #2.

  • Dear Deb, I hope you didn’t think I was referring to you, in my last comment to the two Trolls who have nested here to cause confusion. Much love to you.
    J.M.J. I love You. SAVE SOULS!

  • Pope Francis: “Who am I to judge?”

    Putin: “I will judge.”

    Conservative American Protestants: “Putin is a good man. I wish he was President over here rather than that Kenyan.”

    Dumb American Catholics: “Putin is evil. He’s going to blow up the Vatican because no pope ever consecrated Russia to the Sacred Heart of Mary.”

    Isn’t that interesting? Who is living in the real world and who is living in a fantasy world?

  • I think the dumbest Americans are those who trust a former KGB politician over revelations from Heaven, especially those who have no interest in properly discerning their authenticity. Reminds me of King Ahab that rejected Micaiah as a true prophet because, as he told King Jehoshaphat, “He never prophesies anything good.” Even good King Jehoshaphat fell for it because both kings were convinced they knew more than God, and did not care to discern the truth. It almost cost Jehoshaphat his life. Oh, so much pride! 1 Kings 22:2-29

    • Yes, its very smart to believe revelations that David J Weber makes up in his mother’s basement and says come from Mary, which state that because the invalid Vatican II popes never consecrated Russia to the Sacred Heart of Mary, therefore Putin is Satan incarnate and not a good Christian like Pope “Who am I to judge?” Francis and all the limp-wristed Novus Ordo (Seclorum) bishops who meet in the Vatican bathhouses to plot the homoification and Jewification of the world.

  • Somehow I do not believe that this message comes from the Blessed Mother. I have studied the messages of the Blessed Mother and she does not give messages in this type of detail. She also does not give messages about politicians and political matter in this manner. I think that reader should pray for discernment over this message.

  • Deborah, here is something we all should consider in the area of discernment of messages from Holy Mother or from the Lord Himself: Any parent will speak to their children on the level of not only their understanding, but according to their unique interests and most certainly according to their unique needs. What Holy Mother might say therefore at one place and through its chosen visionary will almost certainly be different in approach, in style, and in even in content from other visionaries. Levels of understanding, differing interests and especially needs among God’s people explain the great variations in Heaven’s messages through various visionaries. Heaven also knows even its approach to people must be varied in order to get the attention of as many as possible. What some people will not accept from one approach they might in another. (Remember the difference in the ministry of John the Baptist and that of our Lord?) The confusion in our day that abounds and the fickleness of human nature itself also requires of Divine Love this diversity.

    That Holy Mother could warn us of Putin means it is important for those who are following in faith the Holy Love Messages to know this and that this obviously can make some kind of a difference. She is clearly warning the US of a nuclear strike on the US which can be prevented by our prayer! She has also warned that our political leadership is not acting to stop this and I take this to mean it’s part of their strategy to allow this strike and to actually provoke Russia to insure it will happen. We apparently have the ability to stop this, or at least mitigate this if we take this seriously. Since the Blessed Virgin Mary was made Patroness of the United States in 1846 it would be her duty to warn us of this specific threat which she says is as much (if not more so) from our presidential leadership (which Catholics put in office misled by their apostate bishops running the USCCB) as from Putin! Thus if this nuking takes place we cannot say we did not deserved it by our lack of response. The Holy Mother warned Washington at Valley Forge of an invasion of troops from every continent and a massive war within our borders and that only when all hope was gone would Heaven disperse the enemy from our soil. But our sleeping and/or apostate bishops have not told you this either, have they?