Jesus is now forming the New Jerusalem in hearts that cling to the Truths of Tradition

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  • Jesus is now forming the New Jerusalem in hearts that cling to the Truths of Tradition

April 27, 2014
Divine Mercy Sunday

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

On Friday April 25, Blessed Mother came and said: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“I have come to preface My Son’s public message so that all will thoroughly understand His Words and the message will have full impact.”

“My Son begins by calling all people into His Mercy. He warns that souls must hasten to recognize the errors in their own hearts and see the need of His Mercy or else experience His Justice.”

“The last part of His message addresses the Remnant Faithful. He is now forming the New Jerusalem in hearts that cling to the Truths of Tradition. He refers briefly to His Second Coming when He will be seated on the Temple Mount. He refers to the Remnant as a holy nation. It is a nation in hearts, not in any specific location.”

“Meditate on these Truths of these times.”

(3:00 P.M. Service)

Jesus is here as He is in the Divine Mercy Image. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“As you gather to celebrate the Feast of My Divine Mercy, celebrate as well, My Mercy of Holy Love – the Messages and all the graces attendant here at this site. Realize that Holy Love is My Last Profound Intervention between the heart of the world and My Own Most Mournful Heart. The next intervention, which I hold back by merit of the prayers of the faithful, will be My Justice. The action of My Arm of Restraint is withheld by the Will of the Father. Only He knows the terrible hour of its release.”

“I come to strengthen and increase the Remnant and make firm their resolve in the Truth.”

“I tell you, solemnly, the conscience of the world has become convoluted due to the compromise of Truth. Evil is not recognized as evil. Sin is no longer recognized as sin. Therefore, people do not seek out My Mercy. They see no need of My Mercy. Yet, I tell you, My Divine Mercy is the world’s last recourse of hope.”

“The gravest threat to mankind is not war or nuclear disaster, or even grave natural disasters. The biggest threat to mankind is his inability to distinguish good from evil. Thus, he continues to weaken his relationship with Me and to cease searching out My Father’s Divine Will. This disconnect between Heaven and earth needs to be man’s greatest concern and most urgent cause for correction. Herein lies the remedy for peace and restoration of prosperity.”

“Today, I come to make of you a new nation – a nation set apart from all others, a nation which is not bound by geographical borders, politics or economy. It shall be a nation like no other. It is destined to be a nation in hearts; hearts which embrace the Truth and live in Holy Love. This nation is formed from My Overflowing Mercy for souls. It will be governed by the Divine Will of My Father. He will show no favoritism; nor will He accommodate or pander to those in error. He will, at His Perfect Time, place Me in victory over all error and I will be seated on the Temple Mount. Then, you will be given the freedom to love Me openly and to pray whenever and wherever you desire.”

“Yes, I am laying today the foundation of the New Jerusalem in all hearts that live in Truth.”

“This holy nation – this nation of Truth that I speak of – is the Remnant Faithful. It is these tenacious souls who will form the foundation of the New Jerusalem. They have already begun to do so as they cling to Tradition.”

Read: 2 Thessalonians Ch 2:13-15

But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you brethren beloved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning to be saved through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the Truth.

To this He called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the Traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.

“Today, I invite you to celebrate My Mercy in your hearts and in the world around you. It is My Mercy that sustains you and the world during these troubled times. You do not fully realize the dangers of choosing unwisely nor the consequences of sin. Let us begin anew today. Let us strike a new path of righteousness through the thicket of compromised Truth.”

“My brothers and sisters, I am using all your prayers today and from last night towards the intention of wrapping the heart of the world in My Divine Mercy. Thus, My Mournful Heart will be somewhat appeased.”

Now Jesus has Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII with Him and they all bless us.