Maria Divine Mercy

My Church, when it divides [Schism] and falls, will embrace humanism with great relish

My Church, when it divides and falls, will embrace humanism with great relish

My dearly beloved daughter, you will never identify the work of Satan in the world that easily, for he is very cunning. He will rarely expose his deeds in a way, which would cause people to question his influence. Throughout his reign on Earth, he went to extraordinary lengths to convince the world that he does not exist. Rarely will you see the Truth, because it is camouflaged through those people he uses to convince people that God does not Exist.

The objective of the devil is to fool people into believing that the world and the existence of the human race is a means to an end. His greatest triumph was the introduction of humanism and, in particular, secular humanism. 

Humanism, a so-called desire to look after the needs of the human race, through the elimination of social injustice, is flawed. Those who adopt humanism in their lives do so as a substitute for a belief in God and it is understandable why they do this. Sadly, many religions have produced dissidents, whose behavior is not influenced by God. Their hatred for others and their murderous intent is exercised in the Name of God when, in fact, it is Satan himself who inspires their every move. He does this to drive people away from God. These dark souls commit terrible injustices and use the Name of My beloved Father to carry out wicked acts [Islam in particular]. They then justify these acts in the name of their religion and they cause many people to reject all belief in God. 

Secular humanism, while applauding all good things in the name of social justice, is very appealing to those souls who are tender of heart, for their intentions are good. Sadly, when they embrace this doctrine, they are saying that the Creation of the world was an accident, caused by nature. But this is untrue, for the world was created by My Eternal Father. No scientist will ever be able to explain the Creation of the world, because this knowledge will never be made known to man.

To reject the supernatural and the Divine Existence of God means that you reject moral guidelines, which derive from God. This means that morality, a deep sense of what is or not pleasing to God, cannot be sustained and this leads to darkness. Instead, man will become focused only on his physical needs, and he will neglect his soul. Upon death, his soul, which he refused to accept as a life-giving Gift from God, will still not accept God’s Mercy. Many of these souls will have completely alienated themselves from God’s Mercy at that stage.

My Church, when it divides [schism] and falls, will embrace humanism with great relish [watch for the Food For All program of Francis, which has already been mentioned]. And, as a result, it will draw all those souls into a flawed interpretation of the Truth of their existence. The world will then embrace this new type of church – a church concerned with social injustices – and not one word about the importance of the salvation of your soul will be uttered.

Your Jesus


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  • Remnant clergy—just curious—are you open about all this to your own parishioners or is this an underground movement? I would understand if it were totally underground cause you would probably all be sacked or laicized or defrocked otherwise. I follow Father Paul Kramer too, but he’s totally out in the open about his beliefs about “pope” Francis. If you are silent in your own parishes for now, and the October synod brings schism, will you then come out in the open to all about your beliefs about the false prophet?

    Here’s a link to Fr. Kramer’s video which I think is very good:

  • There are many good people who won’t read the messages but who will listen to what you have to say, in small bites of God’s Wisdom, about the situation today and what is to come (ie. humanism). We have to warn them and instruct them because it is easy to see how well meaning souls will become distracted by humanism and all their agenda. They will be confused about God’s teachings! Do not think that you cannot make a difference! The Holy Spirit works with you! Plant seeds, if nothing else. Serve them ‘milk food’ until they grow in Christ- but please do not neglect the harvest! I am making this plea, through Christ, because there is a reason that you are called to be privvy to this information and your job is to teach and pray and makes sacrifices to bring more souls to Our Saviour. Stop thinking that you are not brave or knowledgeable enough or not holy enough and just act with complete trust with Our Lord who is. I cannot bear the thought of those lost and the more who act, the more we reach. This is a call to join God’s Remnant Army. Answer today!

    • Donnaliane—was your message for me? I have actually thought of creating a separate email for myself and then mailing out all these messages anonymously. I am employed by a parish (a conservative Novus Ordo parish) and I’m quite sure I would loose my job if I distributed this info openly.

      • All I know is that I woke up with the overwhelming urge to call those on this site to action! I know how I first felt- but by God’s grace we overcome our mortal objections and He produces the fruits!

  • Dear Kim- it could very well be you. We all work in unique ways to reach others according to our gifts. Often our ideas are God inspired. Ask Him in prayer but never hold back out of fear. Be prudent and wise. God bless you!

  • Kim, i have started to come out into the open a little bit, cautiously, though, because none of the clergy I know suspect a thing about the new regime- indeed think the new regime is impeccable and infallible far beyond the limits authentic Catholicism places upon infallibility. You may have to confront the very real possibility that nobody to whom you open up will listen.
    On the other hand, even anonymously or pseudonymously (!!!),
    you may reach many with pennies that will drop later.. I have been able to reach the whole of my country by texting all-night radio with trenchant comments that the all-night hosts have read out, somewhat to my astonishment. let yourself be used by God. He can jack things up and let you get the word out even in ways and places you never even intended!
    He has let me plant seeds on the website of a diocese that sees nothing wrong in the new regime and is actively promoting the new regime – all the while not suspecting a thing from my comments planted on the site and not yet removed,
    Be trusting. Be bold. But always be loving. And sometimes be cunning.
    The remnant army is very strong and gaining in strength. Jesus has told us that. He has also told us He will make us individually very strong. And he will fill us with such love if we let Him. He will make us feel such love for the resistant and even for the hostile, let alone the deluded and misled whom the slackers have thrown to the wolves.