My Immaculate Heart is the Hospice of the Remnant Faithful

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  • My Immaculate Heart is the Hospice of the Remnant Faithful

January 3, 2014

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” 

“My Immaculate Heart is the Hospice of the Remnant Faithful. But let Me describe to you who the Remnant Faithful are. These are the ones steadfast in the Tradition of Faith. They will not be swayed from these Truths despite popular opinion.”

“These days, many call themselves ‘faithful’ but are so greatly compromised through the use of birth control, participation in abortion and condoning same sex marriage. Do not be fooled by reason of the great numbers who follow this path. Remember, many are called but few are chosen.”

“Dear children, if you remain close to Me through the Holy Rosary, I will lead you in the Truth. The enemy finds it difficult to deceive those who pray the rosary daily. I am forming the Remnant out of the ones who pray the rosary – not just recite it. Make it known.”

Holy Love