Prove to all that the Lord is present in your lives through a sincere testimony

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  • Prove to all that the Lord is present in your lives through a sincere testimony

3924 – Our Lady’s Message, broadcast on 10/01/2014

Dear children, seek the Lord in this life and let His grace transform you. Open your hearts and accept the will of the Lord for you. Let your actions and words speak of the Lord. Prove to all that the Lord is present in your lives through a sincere testimony. Be just. For if you live according to my appeals, will have heaven as a reward. Be not sad. The righteous are with the Lord. Do not forget: what the Lord has prepared for you, human eyes have never seen. Rejoice, for the Lord delivers what He promises. The way of definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart, you will see the transformation of the Earth. Courage. I am your Mom and I love you. Travel through the highway of holiness that I have pointed out. When you get your hour, I will be near you. I will bring you in my arms and you have heaven as a reward. Be not sad. I repeat: Rejoice in the Lord. I ask you to live in the presence of the Lord. Do not stray from Him. So He will win for you. Avante. I’ll take care of you. Meek and humble of heart. Be silent and listen to the voice of the Lord. Love and defend the truth. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be at peace.