Antichrist Persecution Signs

Signs – Creed Change – “Jesus of the Light”

God the Father: The Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed to honour false gods instead

[Note: the one world church will need to deny the Divinity of Jesus Christ, so they will use phrases like “Jesus of the Light” to placate Muslims who deny the Divinity of Christ, as well as the Jews who rejected (and still reject) the Messiah. As Jesus Himself said regarding the Jews; “I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name (the Antichrist), him you will receive” (John 5:43). Any references to Jesus as Son of God or consubstantial with the Father will be deleted.]

My dearest daughter, the time will come when the Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed to honour false gods instead.

When the one world religion is introduced, it will be done carefully, so as not to give an impression that I, the Eternal Father, Am no longer revered. If I Am not revered then this new prayer will become an abomination and must never be recited, if My children want to remain with Me and who desire Eternal Life.  Far better if you remain silent than to utter one word of blasphemy, which will be introduced into all churches everywhere, which honour Me, your Father and who accept My Son, Jesus Christ, your Saviour.

Words, which venerate My Name and that of My Son, will be twisted and expressions, which refer to My Son, will include such terms as “Jesus of the Light.” This new prayer will place the emphasis on the superiority of man, his responsibility to ensure the welfare of his brother and to welcome, as one, all religions to honour God. All references to My Son, in the way which He is meant to be revered, will be replaced by this new title they will give Him. The world will be told to honour the beauty of the Earth; the wonders of the world created by a God Who is One for all and Who accepts every kind of worship. This will be the time when the world will come together into one world, as a pagan religion. Because so many religious expressions will litter this new creed, it will take those who are blessed with discernment to truly understand what is happening.

How futile their efforts will be, because those who inflict this darkness upon My children will suffer for their rejection of their Creator. And when this prayer is taken at face value, another abomination will be inflicted – the introduction of the rewritten Word, which will bear nothing but rotten fruit. 

In time, a special symbol, which will represent the new man-made god, will be created, so that it will seem to those who are asked to wear it that they will be doing a good thing in showing solidarity to one another. All these things, they will be told, are for the good of all, where your first duty is to seeking the perfection of man. This, they will tell you, is important before you can face God. You cannot do God’s Will if you do not seek justice to free humanity from bondage to religious persecution, poverty and wars. The focus will be on all things to do with My Creation – the Earth; the nations; the people and political rulers. All will be tied together as one in order, they will say, to serve God better. All they will be serving will be the king of lies, who will bring all of these things about. And, while the world will applaud these new seemingly innovative advances in global matters, humanity will be coerced into paganism. Paganism will bring with it an appalling darkness of the soul. Then, for everything that is leveled against Me, I will replicate their abominations – upon the Earth they walk on; the water they drink; the mountains they climb; the seas they cross and the rain, which feeds their crops. 

The battle between the mighty, the proud and the evil amongst men and Me, their Eternal Father, their Creator, will be a hard fought one.

Your Eternal Father

God the Most High


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  • Wow! This is to be an incredible battle between God and Satan!
    We must pray and offer our sufferings of course, especially for all children and grandchildren who are NOT afforded these Messages. I pray The Warning will awaken them.

    I’m thinking we would do well to let priests know they can find safety in our welcoming them to safe refuges.

    We MUST give those who refuse the False Prophet, housing and food, not to fear…we are hear to help you and in turn you will help us. Trust in our Lord. The angels will lead you to safe refuges. The Angels will lead from one refuge to another, just as St. Patrick and St. Francis. Stay faithful to your Oath to Jesus and never be afraid of your future. WE HAVE YOUR BACK! Prepare now for their arrival!

  • Hello I’m new here and I want very much to share this message with Catholic friends of mine. But for this please I need to know who received this message, was it Maureen of HolyLove? It does not say who received it, but for integrity and for reference to the source, (which is God the Father I know) but the HUMAN person who received it…who is she please? It is important to present heavenly messages with their clear human source, the prophet, for reference and verification, not just abstract, so that people cannot say,”Oh well someone just made that up!” Sabes? Please inform, so that I can forward and share this. Thank you, the Lord bless and keep you.

  • Oh…I see… This is from “María Divine Mercy”… Oh dear… How confusing it gets! The message certainly looks and feels like it’s from God. But look, MDM is well-proven to be just a spiritist medium and NOT true prophet at all. Do some research. Signs and wonders to deceive even the elect if it were possible! Even if the things foretold are true, (we will see, quite possibly…) even so, the source is Satan not God! The same happened with Veronika Lueken at Bayside, fr Gobbi and Medjugorge… Satan has gotten very good at imitating !! Take care, beloved brothers and sisters. Do some research, see that you are not deceived!! Amen

    • Or, Rob, you are the deceiver. Regardless, it is the Gift of Discernment that’s needed to know who and what is from God or Satan. I would ask Our Lord Jesus for this Gift if you are sincere in what you posted.

      • Dear Anne, and Remnant Clergy, I most certainly am sincere and I ask and seek for true discernment from the Lord to know what is true from God and what is false. As I said already, I know that this message looks and sounds like it is from God, true. But the Spirit also prompts me to notice: for example, it says that there will be the worst chastisement since the flood, right? Well, our Holy Mother to Maureen of HolyLove says that it will be WORSE than the flood…and so too does Jesus say the same thing in Matthew 24:21, “for then there will be great distress SUCH AS HAS NEVER BEEN SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN”…(“nor ever will be again…”). Therefore I say to you, who is this “God” who speaks so well here, but says it will be only the worst seen SINCE the flood?? That is a purely HUMAN type of reasoning and comparison…and CANNOT be truly frim God. I love and respect this site, what you are doing… But with regard to MDM I urge you please just to do a little research, about this woman who gives these always sensational messages, from a position of anonymity, with actually many MANY errors and contradictions within them, despite how impressive they sometimes seem. Do some research to clarify it for yourself! She is known, her real identity; and she trained as a médium under one of Ireland’s best known new-age médium gurus. Don’t accept my word about it, check her out yourself! And if you’re right, then show me the evidence that confirms her in the Lord, and I’ll change my mind. But first, websearch “MDM false prophet and see the evidence about and against her, by good traditional Catholic Christian discernment! I offer this in peace, for the truth, and also point out, that unlike the HolyLove messages, MDM’s never lead one into a deeper personal spiritual walk with our Lord…MDM only offers impressive but sensational sounding apocalyptic warnings, nothing more. And to repeat, even here in this one, it says a self-evident ERROR, no?? “Worst chastisement since the flood…” etc. But Jesus and Mother Mary go BEYOND that, to describe it! Another sure sign that this is just another clever IMITATION from Satan, just as he did with Veronika Lueken. I will continue to pray for the right discernment…and I encourage you to follow up your own prayers with a little thorough research of your own on the web. Dare to read the testimonies against her and her messages, then weigh it in the balance, with prayer. If you can show me my own error I’ll change my mind….

        • THE WARNING, is that also from Satan? Because if you say no, you are admitting we will all know the Truth during The Warning. Either way, we will all know. We are to offer our prayers and our sufferings to Jesus as He has requested us to do.

          A sign of a false prophet : prayers are not offered.

          The MDM Crusade Prayers have now reached 151 specific prayers — for priests to stay true to The Eucharist and the Holy Word of God (Satan hates priests and the Eucharist),
          for sinners in mortal sin (Satan loves mortal sinners),
          supplications and prayers of thanksgiving to God our Father and prayers of protection from Evil (don’t see Satan writing those prayers), etc..

          Use commonsense – Satan would never have people praying to save souls from the Fires of Hell.

          • Dear Anne, I havent read THE WARNING yet so I cannot comment on it directly. If I get time I will check it out. But I have read many of MDM’s messages and I began to see some real problems with them, after my initial enthusiasm gave way to a more careful discernment. Then I read the analyses and testimonies of those good Catholics who expose the clear contradictions and errors within them, and also one site which exposes who and what she really is: ie: a pseudo Christian psychic médium in communion with a pseudo false spirit of God. Unfortunately I only have my phone online right now and cannot forward you the links – but as I say, PLEASE just check it out for yourself and you can find them too. About what you say as a sign of a false prophet, that they don’t encourage prayer: Well actually, in the clear cases of Veronika Lueken, Fr Gobbi and Medjugorge ALL of these definitely FALSE apparitions/manifestations include COUNTLESS exhortations to pray, pray the Rosary etc etc etc… So what is going on?? The answer is that our enemy is VERY crafty and he knows that the best way to deceive sincere Christians is if his false apparitions ALSO include various exhortations to prayer, sacrifice and holiness etc etc…at the SAME time as subtly delivering various FALSE prophecies, teachings etc etc, even if they sound good and convincing to ears who WANT to believe in it. That is his devious method…to mix a little false in with the truth, and also to play on our fears etc etc…to first win our trust. Then gradually introduce little errors and heresies and false prophecies. Hence, the real test of a prophet is NOT whether it encourages us to pray or not!! (Even false pope Francis encourages us to pray and love Jesus, does he not?? Agreed…) No, the real test of prophets is if their words contradict the known Word of God in holy scripture and what is soundly decreed already by the Church. MDM manifestly DOES contradict this numerous times! And the other true test of prophecy is whether or not the words of the prophecy actually do come to pass or not, at the time prophesied. Again, various MDM prophecies have FAILED already to come to pass as predicted. Even if not EVERY prediction fails to come to pass…if ANY prediction fails to come to pass, then the WHOLE thing must be false, because there is no error in God. Even this ONE error of saying that the tribulation will be the worst SINCE the flood, not worse THAN the flood, PROVES beyond all doubt that this word is FALSE. And therefore that MDM and her familiar spirit, (by which she is making quite A LOT of money too) are both also definitely FALSE as 8 pound notes! Even if they urge us to pray…even if they sound really good, even if they say some things which DO come to pass… (for example, maybe the One World church WILL start to call Jesus, “Jesus of the light”… Or another example, yes, they really did introduce a new “beast cross” over in Brazil…just like MDM’s message predicted. But hold on…Satan knows already what his own little schemes for corrupting the church are going to be… So it really isnt much for him to predict that! And if by so doing he successfully deceives another bunch of praying Christians, then he has succeeded. Succeeded in what? In DIVIDING OFF the believers, one from another…and also in sowing various false prayers which are NOT from God even if they sound and feel good, understand?? This enemy of ours is very VERY crafty indeed! He’s WAY ahead of us! He even loves to make FAKE ministries to talk about his own corruption of the church! This wicked evil one…the father of lies. So we must ALL be VERY careful! He doesnt mind if he also encourages us to pray and fast etc etc in the process of feeding us certain false messages which will lead us astray in other more subtle ways…he’s fine with that…

    • Aha, your Sources are from the hate MDM group, my dear. She is the #1 target of the sites set up by MASONS, to keep good people from reading the instructions, messages and Crusade Prayers that Jesus wants us to know.
      The Messages EXPOSE THEM, and their evil plans to destroy our Christian Faith! Do you understand – those 3 visionaries you named in the past, all EXPOSED FREEMASONRY in the Church Hierarchy! Thus the hatred for those 3.

      I suspected you’ve been reading their wicked lies to protect certain Clergy in the Vatican from exposure by CALUMNY to God’s Prophet., Maria. And now you are in a quagmire as to whom to believe. God’s last prophet Maria Divine Mercy– or the Masons.

      Instead of reading a few of the Messages, why don’t you begin reading the messages from day one. For someone that has never heard of The Warning, you should NOT be looking for errors of authenticity, to prove those sites you went to were correct. They haters of Truth.

      I feel I can say this to you because I have lived my Catholic Faith from the day I was baptized, which is 70 years ago. I pray you stay away from wicked sites that will harm your soul.

      • Dear Anne, no the sites were definitely Catholic sites of the traditional faith. But look, if it will only be a futile argument then we better to just agree to differ, eh? I will not get into negative pingpong with a sister (and elder) in Christ, even over important themes such as these. But I do feel duty-bound to say clearly: that both Veronika Lueken and Fr Gobbi’s supposedly authentic messages from Our Lady BOTH made many direct prophecies that Pope John Paul II would be the LAST Pope and that the Warning, the Miracle and the Great Castigation (as foretold at Garabandal) would ALL be completed and fulfulled BY THE YEAR 2000!! This is not a Masonic slur on these “seers” and their trult divine messages. It is an honest Basic and objective Biblical Christian critique of their manifestly FALSE PROPHESIES. I guess that is very hard for you to admit to, if tou have previously invested so many years and tears and prayers and love and belief of faith into their messages… But still I feel duty bound by the visible FACTS regarding these plainly false and unfulfilled prophecies…that to ANYONE of sound mind who sincerely weighs up the evidence, that it is plain and the ONLY possible valid conclusión, that these particular so-called “seers” were IN FACT deceived by Satan’s own guileful spirit in a clever IMITATION of Our Lady’s voice…even speaking much about and against the evil incursions of Masonry into the church…still, despite this, it was clearly FAKE and nothing more than Satan glorying in his own schemes. How could it be anything else when so MANY of their wild prophecies failed to come to pass…?? And as for Medjugorge…let us not even start on looking into all the manifest heresies of that supposed spirit of “Our Lady”…!! Such errors never can be in the real thing. They’re not there in Pedro Regis’ messages… They’re not there in the Holy Love messages… They’re not there in Tlig messages to Vassula Ryden… All these are examples of the real thing. But all those others are blatantly false because of their many errors, heresies and failed direct prophecies. By these fruits we can know them!! But if you already bought into them all already, with all of your soul, then I guess no reasonable nor rational objective argument could ever persuade you to even begin to reconsider about those things, right?? Never mind, dear elder sister, I wish you only well, and all truth, in holy love… (And if you can explain ro me how MDM’s spirit voice could say that the last days sufferings will be the worst SINCE THE FLOOD…clearly contradicting both Jesus in Matthew 24:21 and her own words to other seers…can you explain to me how that can possibly have been from our true Holy Mother…??? If so I’d really like to hear it please… Lord, grant us true wisdom please…Amen.) Peace

        • But many of them have come to pass and time is still counting down – from our Prayers and from victim souls we do have mitigations. BTW: the Traditionals, of which I know much about personally, are causing much pain to Our Lord by denying His Messenger. What a shame. Pride is of Satan.
          The Warning will soon come – never fear – all will be made clear.

          • Hello again Anne, well yes, one thing we can easily agree on is that the Warning will come, praise the Lord come what may… About the other stuff, it’s pointless to pursue it… But I cannot buy the “mitigations and prayers from victim souls” argument, because the prophecies were made as direct and absolute, without any mitigating conditions attached. And they did not come to pass. It is plain and simple. And besides, Our Lady at Garabandal told Jacinta exactly when, what year etc that the Warning and Miracle will take place. So there never was any confusion or relative conditional mitigation of dates and persons etc from heaven’s point of view. All was known from the beginning and the real Holy Virgin has never made a failed prediction nor contradicted herself or scripture. And also, when there are mitigating conditions to her prophecies, she makes that very clear: like at Fátima: “If people do not repent their impure ways, then this will happen…” etc etc. She does not leave it ambiguous or in any confusion. And if some victim souls’ prayers had mitigated God’s intentions to end the world by the year 2000 – don’t you think she would have made that clearly known and honoured afterwards? (Ah but what’s the use…? You’re not listening. PS – btw don’t knock all traditionals…they include all of the ones who are included in this site! Including Remnant Clergy, Pedro Regis, Maureen et al…!! The ones who will be most persecuted shortly. I’m amazed you don’t even seem to count yourself among them! But I suppose you were only thinking of those strict and fearful traditional type of folks who don’t believe in ANY current prophetic ministries at all, right? No matter…

  • Hi Rob, hopefully you will read this, as some time went into gathering these quotes from the MDM website. 🙂 I believe these messages are what you are referring to when you state the problem you have about the last days sufferings being the worst SINCE the flood

    “Prayer will, as I have said before, help dilute disasters in the world, as it now heads towards a series of climate related catastrophes, never witnessed by man since the days of Noah.”

    “When the First Commandment is broken by My Church on Earth – the final bastion of My Father over His children – the world will witness the worst chastisement since the flood. ”

    “From that day forth (formation of One world religion), Hell will break loose on Earth and the influence of demons will be at its greatest level since before the great flood.”

    “Beware, My children, when I warn you that failure to stop sin from spreading will result in a chastisement that will destroy much of mankind. Such a chastisement will not have been witnessed since the days of the flood that destroyed the Earth in the time of Noah.”

    If I may provide my 2 cents, this is how I understand it. Since the time of creation of the world, up until Noah’s time, man had never experienced a worst chastisement then the great flood. It was the absolute worst, chastisement- to-top-all-chastisements, up until that time. He wants us to realize, as it is so often referred to, that the flood, at this time in history, was the absolute worst catastrophe to befall mankind. He’s trying to drill it in that the coming chastisement will be due to our sin, just as it was in Noah’s time. Now He is saying that the coming chastisement will be the worst chastisement SINCE the flood, that is, it is now our time to experience the worst chastisement due to sin, since Noah’s time. So He’s providing a timeline and a comparison, NOT a measure of severity. I don’t see any indication from the MDM messages that the severity of this coming chastisement will be less or even the same as that of the Great Flood.
    Some ways the above quotes may be interpreted: (I think; if my reasoning is correct!)

    1st quote- In the days of Noah, man ALSO experienced a series of climate related catastrophes, the worst ever for that time since the creation of the world. We will witness what they witnessed, only ours will be worst.

    2nd quote- already discussed

    3rd quote- The influence of demons was the greatest ever at the time before the great flood. The influence now will be as bad as this (the worst of the worst), only the influence now will be greater.

    4th quote- If we don’t pray hard enough, the chastisment that IS the destruction of the majority of mankind will repeat itself. pretty self explanatory.

    A copy and paste from one of your comments- Matthew 24:21, “for then there will be great distress SUCH AS HAS NEVER BEEN SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN”…(“nor ever will be again…”).

    Yes, even the Great Flood. The Great Flood was catastrophic. The Great Tribulation will also be catastrohic, only much worst.

    I really don’t see any contradictions about this in Jesus’ messages through MDM or that of scripture. Sorry if I was as clear as mud, but hopefully you got the gist of it.

    • Hello Lisette, and thanks for your kind and considered explanation. It is clear, what you’re trying to explain, I understand it, thanks. In reply I’ll do my best to equally patient and clear for you as well (and whoever else):
      . I could begin by saying that it is by no means only this one detail that leads me to distrust MDM’s messages, but since we are here focussed on it, I guess I’m obliged again to say what bothers me and points (to me at least) that this is NOT of God after all.
      . The primary idea is that this message is from Almighty Triune God, right? The same Spirit of God who spoke and still speaks through Jesús to His chosen ones today…and therefore one looks for a TOTAL and naturally ocurring consistency, without errors or contradictions between His word in the holy scriptures or to other known proven Saints and prophets. Agreed? (Agreed, I’m sure). And that is precisely what is missing here even in this one random example, even WITH your careful quotation and commentary on it. For see: again I draw your attention to PRECISELY what Our Lord said in Matt 24:21: “…for then there will be great distress, UNPARALLELED SINCE THE WORLD BEGAN.” This cannot be emphasised enough, the gravity of it. Jesús says it to show that there is simply NO COMPARISON between what will come at that point with ANYTHING, EVEN THE FLOOD AND EVEN THE DEMONIC CHAOS OF THE WORLD BEFORE THE FLOOD WHEN GIANTS ROAMED THE EARTH! This is, in other words, a UNIQUELY TERRIBLE darkness which will chastise the earth and mankind at the very worst point. Period. (And to be clear, both passages, MDM’s and Jesus’s, are talking about the SAME point in time…). Now look: look again at the very details from MDM’s message, which you have carefully set out. She/it says: That the castigation will be the worst SINCE the flood, (only), and then goes on to say that the demonic activity on earth will be the worst since before the flood. Correct? Therefore, how is it you cannot see the HUGE Basic difference between what MDM says and what Jesús says in Matthew 24:21?? He, our Lord says it will be the worst, SINCE THE EARTH BEGAN! Period. IE: so bad there’s no comparison with ANY previous suffering, darkness, demonic influence, castigation, death…NOTHING. It’s gonna be THAT bad…and He isn’t trying to hide it. But this spirit that talks through MDM, it says first only, “the worst since the flood,” as if THAT were as bad as it could get… And then, as if to cover the mistake, tells us that the demons will be worse than before the flood… But this TOO is an UNDERSTATEMENT compared to Jesus’ own words to us about it. Don’t you see?? Therefore, even in this random example, it CANNOT POSSIBLY be the same voice and Holy Spirit which is speaking through MDM as did and does through Jesús Christ Himself. You see? Finally to finish: I’d like to ask you if you or any of the other followers and believers in MDM’s messages have ever or often actually met her and know her personally and share daily prayers and other activities with her? I ask this because it is an important point. God does not usually raise up prophets by giving them false names and leading them to give out messages from anonimity. His prophets are usually accessible and publically known, and are accountable to some kind of bona fide spiritual director with authority in the church. This is HUGELY important, and MDM has NONE of these things, as far as I know… Please do correct me if I’m wrong. I hope my explanation is equally clear to you. Best wishes, for the Truth, Rob.

    • Oh PS – A quick afterthought to clarify my last point, that the Lord does not generally change the names of his prophetic servants. Yes, some of you will think of some great Saint and prophet to whom the Lord gave a new symbolic name, and say “Aha! You’re wrong!” But let me clarify it: the Lord only gives such names to those who are consecrated into Holy Orders of some kind, who have gone all the way in renouncing their entire worldly identity and life for His sake. Thus it is fitting for them. But for those who remain among the laity, NEVER does He change the name into something entirely symbolic like that. Never. He respect the true estate of His servants, and if they are laity He keeps them humble with their own name and keeps them known to the world as the person who they are, for an example to others etc. And He makes sure that they are obedient to some Church authority, never separate nor against it, so as to be examples of rebellion and disorder. So, I ask, who is “María Divine Mercy”?? Why does she have this name but is not a member of any religious order? And why does she operate independently, unaccountable of anyone, and making plenty of money from her messages?? Do any of you loyal supporters of hers even know her real name and where she lives?? I’d really like to know…

      • You have uninformed opinions which have faulty assumptions, therefore causing invalid conclusions. The Fatima children were not members of religious orders. How do you know that “she makes plenty of money?” Rash judgment is sinful, and in public even more so, even mortally sinful because of the damage to reputation. Look it up in the Summa Theologica. St. Catherine Laboure was not known even in her own convent that she received revelations until many years later. With so many false opinions, no wonder you cannot discern anything well. You are full of yourself instead of listening for God, like so many. At the Warning you will certainly learn of your grave errors. If you keep posting stuff like this, you will be placed on comment moderation.

        • Dear sir, to respond to your two specific points: 1) Yes, the Fatima children were not in any religious orders, (nor the Garabandal children nor the children of Lourdes and La Salette). Exactly, and none of them received a new name, which was/is my (informed) point. I never said anything like that only people in religious orders receive prophetic messages… So where please is my error, or my lack of correct information? I pointed out that “María Divine Mercy” is a layperson but with a new, symbolic name, and is thus contrary to all established divine and church tradition. Please explain to me where/if I am wrong about that? 2) With regards to her making money from her messages, the evidence is all there in her website is it not? She sells her books and various other articles of her obra, all at retail prices, no?? This is a basically true fact I think… and not a mere slur or invention of mine. Whereas Holy Love and Pedro Regis give most of their materials away for free, with only minimal fund-raising and donation appeals to cover their costs. Therefore, for honest discernment, truth and the good of all I have pointed these things out…that’s all. And I have asked openly if anyone actually knows her and can enlighten me more as to her identity and integrity?? So where exactly have I offended you and the truth so badly that you’re already considering censoring me? Is this site actually directly part of her own promotion? I thought that with Pedro Regis and HolyLove messages on he

          • DEAR ROB, YOU ARE TOASTED! I KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE. Do you get pay for denigrating true prophets?
            On this site you get zilch.

          • Oh my God – dear poor Anne, are you serious? (yes you are…) Ah well, so now I realise that at least some of you are total cult-slaves to “The Warning” etc without any capacity to stand back and evaluate things reasonably…and you take every reasonable point and “doubt” as a heretical offence against you, huh? Oh dear, I’m sad for you…but never mind. I will leave you to your business. I’m not interested in “playing” with anyone. What you call “playing” is actually just putting reasonable points, questions and arguments which do indeed expose the manifest flaws in MDM and her obra. But if you guys can’t take it then never mind, I’ll leave you to it. You know, I just finished re-capping, looking again at the messages and at the many websites which expose their many contradictions. ALL of those websites are CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN blogsites, by honest, transparent concerned Catholics and NOT by any Freemasons at all. Anne you are deluded about that, and much else, I’m sad to say. But why should I go on? This is futile… Goodbye… (I may post one more time, later on, then that will be it. Say whatever slanders you like about me…knock yourself out. You only show your own dishonest hysteria by doing so. Anyone with any sense can see that my points have been clear, genuine and valid). To finish: You know, what quickly becomes evident from the MDM material is that her “Jesús” spent basically the whole of 2011 and 2012 promising you that the final apocalyptic events of the Garabandal prophecies were about to take place, “in a few months” (up to a year”

          • On name changes: there are biblical precedents, and religious precedents. Abram -> Abraham. Jacob -> Israel. John the Baptist was called Elijah by Jesus Himself. Many religious are given new names – Bernadette -> Sr. Mary Bernard. Where in Catholic teaching is it said that new names cannot be given, especially when this has been happening for millennia at the request of God? Please be specific – doctrine, dogma, Bible etc, not merely your opinion. Of course you won’t find anything, you merely wish to push devilish doubts into peoples’ minds.

          • Have you ever published books? Are those free? Do publishers always give them away as a regular part of their business? If so, how would the publisher survive with all expenses and no income? And not only that, you impute an EVIL motive to MDM as to fool the people for money. That is EXACTLY what Jesus refers to when He says you will be judged as you judge others. So that is God’s view of you at this time. I would suggest much confessional and reparation time, especially as you also commit the grave sin of calumny as to ruining someone’s reputation based on your opinion. Since you want to persist in your public sin, then you have even more to answer for.

        • (continued) – on here, that this site is dedicated to finding and sharing the pure truth, about what is going on in the Catholic Church. Therefore, I thought that that makes it quite legitimate to ask critical questions and seek honest answers from people… That’s what I thought… Obviously you all are avid fans and supporters of The Warning messages… I guess I’m going pretty near the knuckle with my questions and criticisms of it. Don’t mean to offend anyone, but really – I think anyone can see that my questions and general perspective ARE well-informed and deserving of an honest answer… But if you simply will reject anyone and anything who disagrees with something or who questions the actual integrity of The Warning and it’s author…then I guess I won’t bother sharing my valid thoughts and questions with you any more anyway… That’s a wee shame, but never mind… It’s your site, run it how you want, obviously…

  • ROB IS PLAYING WITH YOU. He starts out thanking you for helping him. with this and that, and then he has another DOUBT. As trolls go, he’s on the scale of 80. God bless you all for attempting to give him the Truth. But please, these trolls will engage you while they are spouting doubt for those less knowledgeable. I noticed from the start how he introduced his “doubt”. He was sent to give you doubt about MDM messages.

  • I want to tell you a story Rob, and I’m so happy for this opportunity to tell it, in case it helps anyone who is having problems with apparent contradictions in MDM’s messages. Some months back I read a message from Jesus, soon after reading another message from the Father from about a year previously. I found what I believed to be a flat out contradiction between something the Son said and something the Father said. There was no way I could reason it out, no way I could excuse it, and no way I could forget it and move on. My heart was greatly disturbed, and I considered posting the dilemma on the Jesus to Mankind message board in the hopes someone might provide insight. I decided against it, as I didn’t want to be responsible to God should someone read my problem, become troubled, and walk away from the messages before seeking proper discernment for themselves. I’m so glad I made this decision! In my greatly troubled state, I begged God to provide me with the answer to the contradiction if there was in fact an answer to be given. If not, I felt certain I would walk away. Well I prayed for two days and two days later the answer was given, resounding, at two different instances. It was so clear and yet with my human reasoning, impossible to have seen on my own. I found out that even though both Father and Son used the same word, the context with which the word was used was different, changing the meaning of each sentence entirely. We know from scripture how important context is in understanding certain passages. If we believe what the messages tell us, that we are in fact reading the now open Book of Truth, as mentioned in Daniel, then it makes sense that God is speaking to us in this same sort of biblical, crypto- like, look-at-the-full-context way. He is providing us piece by piece, what He wants us to know, when He wants us to know it, until eventually the whole gorgeous landscape will be seen in its entirety. Or if you will, he is peeling off the layers of an onion, layer by layer, until we reach the burning flavorful stuff in the middle.

    Anyway, my take away message when a seemingly contradictory statement troubles you, is to PRAY PRAY PRAY for discernment, not just in a general way about a particular seer, but about the contradiction itself. Of course God will come through and answer!

    • Fine, Lisette…whatever works for you. But you know, that contradiction that I pointed out carefully to you – it doesn’t resolve in that way, no matter how you look at it or how long you pray over it. It’s a flat-out plain and simple error, contradiction and inconsistency that the true Spirit of God would never make. Likewise is the GROSS fallacy of declaring boldly throughout 2011 and 2012 that the Warning, Miracle and Castigation were definitely about to happen within a few months… I mean, come on!! Won’t you wake up from this “COMA”?? (That’s another big obvious CLUE for you there…in the name of their private publishing company… Coma books… I mean, come on, hello?? Is anybody there? What sort of true prophet of God chooses to publish their work under “Coma” books title??!! How brazen and crafty is the enemy… He knows that only the sleepy and easily pleased, easily deceived, gullible believing folks are gonna stick with this sweet treacle stuff…so he puts it openly right there in your face and you don’t even see it! Or if you do see it, you’re not even bothered by it. You know, I respect your reasoning that you didn’t want to disturb others with a confusión of your own. That’s good – I like that – that’s very considerate. I think you’ve a good heart. But there’s another consideration (which I have) as well. And that is: If you do become totally and clearly convinced, in every fibre of your being, with clear understanding as well, that a particular thing claiming to be from God is actually FALSE and having some subtle but very real damaging effects on certain other brothers and sisters in the Lord, then it is a GOOD thing – perhaps even a NECESSARY thing – to try one’s best at least for a while to persuade and help to save at least one or two fellow souls from that particular deception… That’s what I’ve ended up doing here, even right now with you…because I believe that you’re worth it…and that the TRUTH is worth the effort fighting for, if I may put it that way! But don’t worry…I’ll not hang around for much longer, pushing and knocking at closed doors, closed minds and already fanatical hearts. I’ve better things to do and it’s not my mission or businesd to try too hard. But I just found myself obliged to give it and you some valuable hours and efforts of my time…to express some valid questions and truths. But now I’m more or less done! It’s been nice talking with you! Take care – I’ll leave you in the Lord’s capable hands. A Dios!

      • Another example of grave ignorance of how God works. In the infallible Bible, the prophet Jonah announced to Nineveh that they had 40 days before they would be destroyed. Did that happen then? No. So is the prophet Jonah false, and therefore the infallible Bible fallible and full of errors? If not, then explain why in your thinking.

        • Dear Lisette, it is of no use to continue a conversation with someone who is trying to engage you in his hatred for the Messages and the Messenger. Our Lord warned us about these deceptive people, and he told us not to engage with them, because this opens the door for Satan to enter. Much love to you in the 2 Hearts of Jesus and Mary. I am praying for him via the Crusade Prayers.

        • …anyone with a cursory knowledge of scripture knows Jonah 3:1-10…that due to God’s contingent or contiguent will that nineveh was not destroyed as a result of the king’s repentance….however eventually nineveh was destroyed as a fulfillment of the prophecy of nahum…Nahum 1 God’s wrath against ninveh…

          • Not quite. Not just the king but everyone repented sufficiently that the destruction was delayed – for about 100 YEARS. The principle is illustrated that sufficient prayer and penance is always a means to delay the punishment. The same now with modern prophesies. The Warning will come since the 6th seal is in the Bible. It is inevitable. But most people don’t know the Bible nor that principle and judge gravely erroneously.

  • (continued) …(“up to a year”)…100%… Certain assurances: “Prepare yourselves now” etc etc….wow, you must have been all hyper-alert, almost mad with anticipation… But it didn’t happen did it… Those definite unconditional prophecies never actually took place…and you must have felt quite bereft…with only consolation that apparently He was still delaying what He and the Father were definitely prophesying, because still too many souls were in mortal sin… And so you had to dig in and wait some more. And then the time came of Pope Benedict’s resignation, and it said that the new Pope would be the false prophet. So then when Bergoglio arrived and started spouting heresies and showing that in fact he IS the false prophet… Well that seemed to re-assure you that these writings of constant doom and judgement ARE genuine and reliable after all… Cos look, he IS the false prophet – and only God, only the Lord would be able to predict that, right?? Wrong! Satan knows equally well what his schemes are and is perfectly able to predict such a thing. But what he CANNOT predict accurately is God’s TIMING for the events to take place… He gets those details wrong nearly every time. Like he got it wrong in MDM’s messages EVERY DAY FOR TWO YEARS DURING 2011 AND 2012 But how many if you woke out of your extreme COMA and woke up to realise that something was actually wrong and amiss in those messages?? Virtually none of you….because alas, you are easily pleased and satisfied, dramatically aroused by such constant apocalyptic doomsday warnings… Even now Anne, you say, “Wow! This is gonna really be a great battle between God and Satan!” as if you just heard about it for the first time. Just like a kid actually…in a doomsday drama sweetshop…all buzzed up by the latest bulletin of holy warnings…until the final Warning finally takes place. How rightly did Vassula Ryden dismiss you as mere sensation-seekers, not truly looking for true spiritual life in God at all… How sad, but I leave you to it. We’re all attracted in some degree to the great and terrible end-time dramas, scandals and confusions of these days…it’s natural. But what we really need, what I’m really seeking, is a closer life with God, in Christ, in the Spirit. I find Pedro Regis and HolyLove messages very deeply helpful and inspiring for that… So, for that and much other useful information I’m eternally grateful to this website. Thank you!! Keep up the good work! But as for your fanatical following of “María Divine Mercy”…yawn…you can keep it. I’m not your judge any more than you are mine. We all have the same judge and Saviour waiting for us, it’s true… Therefore, I wish you well and simply won’t bother discussing MDM or “the Warning” with you any longer… Bye bye! 🙂

  • It is for the best, certainly. Your outright hostility as well as in depth “research” of MDM was carefully cloaked at first, but you are certainly revealing your true colors now. What has anyone said that is so outrageous to warrant such ranting, raving, and sarcasm? You are wrong to assume that MDM followers are sensations seekers. Perhaps a number are, but the messages speak for themselfves- they are beautiful, the prayers are Holy and orthodox, and reveal MORE THAN ANYTHING else God’s deep thirst for souls. I have watched the followers of these messages grow in holiness over time. Why do you people insist on ignoring this fact and try to interfere so forcefully? Why not just say, “Ok, I don’t get this at all, it’s just not for me, but at least these people are praying and getting closer to Jesus.” and then leave it at that. but no, it is your MISSION to reveal their “ignorance” and to tear as many away as possible. Such pride! Don’t you have even a fraction of doubt which might make you stop and say, “In the miniscule chance these messages really are from God, perhaps I should back away from sharp criticism, lest I incur God’s wrath for the souls I am responsible for leading away.”

    Such analysis, you with your finite human reasoning, but who can fully understand the ways of God? Timing for one. When events are measured by eternity, certainly “about to”, “now”, “soon”, take on new meanings. Please keep your fine tooth comb, I’m not interested.

    Maybe in the end the whole thing will be revealed as a scam. Who can know for certain? But in the mean time, we will continue to allow our souls to fill with the beauty and truth which is poured out in every message and in every Crusade Prayer.

    May God guide us all to the truth.

  • Okay Lisette. I accept and must agree witj your final and general point actually: that even if it DOES turn out in the end to have been false, at least it did/does lead a number of souls to pray more and feel closer to the Lord. It’s ironic but very true. In which case there’s no need to argue with any of you….it’s a fair point, I must admit. PS- The funniest, most ironic thing is: By that very same logic, why even bother working to hard to expose the antipope Francis to the world as the false prophet as well??!! Because despite his false teachings, he TOO is bringing many more souls into a new belief and seeking of Jesus…!…even though his Jesus and his góspel is gradually less and less of the real, whole and complete thing…at least it is something, no?? And I have various fellow Catholic friends who are deceived by him and so enthusiastic that they will NOT LISTEN to any of the reasonable, valid and true points of criticism and close analysis which expose him for what he really is… They call it needless “hostility”, “pride” and “perfectionistic” attack upon their faith itself, to claim anything other than that he is the Lord’s chosen Vicar on earth… Therefore, at this moment, I am sitting back contemplating the whole mindless, mind-blowing HYPER-IRONY of the WHOLE situation…and offering it all up to the Lord. Reminding myself that within and beyond the whole apparently stupid, futile and self-contradictory story there is actually still the greater will and power of God at work, in ALL kinds of Christians of every disposition and belief. Even despite these constant and increasing errors, divisions and confusion which the enemy has sown into the church. Matthew 13 – the parable of the wheat and tares sums it up – and shows us that the Lord has DECREED that it should be so, until the end of the age. So we all need to try to accept it that way too huh….? Food for profound thought at least! Thanks for your input…

    • Francis certainly does seem to be causing a kind of renewal of interest in the Church. In the end, this will prove to be superficial. Look who he is drawing in- the modernists, the National Catholic Reporter types, and those folks who up until now have grudgingly kept their distance due to the guilt the intolerant Catholic Church has forced upon them due to their sinful lifestyle choices. In Francis they see hope for change, a renewal and modernization of the church, and true acceptance for their sin. Now they will finally be able live guilt free and just be themselves! They are RIGHT to feel this way because they are actually LISTENING to his words, unlike the mostly well meaning Catholics i.e., your friends, who refuse to take of their BLINDERS! So then your argument is, well then at least it is something (as opposed to a complete spritual void they would otherwise have). Maybe at first, in these current days. But then comes the downward spiral. It is plainly evident, even if you don’t believe in the messages, that the groundwork is rapidly being laid for the destruction of the sacraments and the new paganistic One World Church. These new found reverts and converts will not see what is hitting them, and will easily be sucked into the sweet sounds and sights of new, evil, and paganistic rituals. It sounds so “out-there” to even be typing, and yet I find myself constantly gasping at the speed and blatant audacity with which he and his Cardinal cohorts are acting. I would do well to offer all of this up to God, as you do.

    • Rob, your so called search for truth is just like the pharisees, scribes and Sanhedrin of old. The Jews of the day refused Jesus’ First Coming, and you follow in their footsteps for Jesus’ Second Coming. Since you cannot recognize the signs, as Jesus commanded us to (go read your Bible), then you are unable to discern truth from your own wrong opinions. So go your way to some other website, your debate here is over now. May you accept God’s Truth and Light. You will certainly learn at the Warning. John 9:41 – “Jesus said to them: If you were blind, you should not have sin: but now you say: We see. Your sin remaineth.”

  • ROB, a perfect example of the total confusion, fear, PANIC AND RASH JUDGMENT reigning among far too many Catholics who profess an orthodox faith. The same confusion and rash judgment was rampant in Jesus’ day as well among even the most orthodox. Look at the foolish confusion in the minds of those who rejected Jesus because He seemed to be saying and acting completely in contradiction to John the Baptist. The same crowd that hailed him as Messiah on Palm Sunday turned their backs on him within a week! ROB has no idea on how to discern a message from Heaven. Neither did the Orthodox Pharisees and their followers in Jesus’ day as they stumbled over the very same matters being leveled against MDM.

    The method of discernment that is used by the detractors of MDM are at best completely backwards in their approach. They are the results of carnal minds and hearts hidden under a spiritually defective orthodoxy. The backwards approach leads to no definitive conclusion either way though it is always used to reach false conclusions. Jesus Himself was condemned precisely because the religious rulers used this very same approach and the people generally had no spiritual discernment. His associations were also one of the main reasons for their effective campaign in destroying His ministry in the eyes of public. Accepting Matthew the Roman tax collector along with Zachaeus. His accepting John of Endor, a convicted murderer as a traveling companion with Him and the Apostles. Getting an adulterer off the hook before the Temple rulers. His acceptance of the infamous Mary Magdalene who with other woman actually accompanied Him and the Apostles on many ministry trips. His acceptance of Judas Iscariot who was himself a loose living, practicer of witchcraft, and a thief.

    Oh, we cannot miss the “solid scientific evidence” that Jesus Himself was born of fornication and that His “fake claim” to supernatural origin led to the slaughter of many babies in Bethlehem. How could He THEN EVEN ON THIS ALONE possibly be of God! Then there was the astrologers of pagan nations who followed the Zodiac who CAME TO WORSHIP HIM! …WHILE the true DIVINELY ORDAINED religious leaders, still with their divinely sanctioned positions under the Law of Moses, were completely by passed! Then there was the serious scandal of Him abandoning His mother in “violation” of the Mosaic Law, but of course not reported by “the investigators” was that His Mother fully supported His every mission. But that meant little to hair splitting Pharisees, the Law is the Law! We could go on and on on these matters. The report on MDM looks like she’s an angel right from Heaven compared the reports on Jesus. I wonder if RoB or the pride filled minds behind these vile web sites attacking MDM (which have read) would acknowledge their hypocrisy in overlooking Jesus’ “false prophecy” of claiming He would be in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights, when in fact because of the prayers of His mother Mary it turned out to be 2 days and 2 nights? Would they condemn John the Apostle as a false prophet because he reported repeatedly in his Revelation (22:7,12,20) that the Lord promised to come “quickly” or “soon.”

    Now here is a perfect example of the carnal spiritually void reasoning of these Pharisaical Catholics by which they have labeled MDM a false prophet: One revelation spoke of Heaven seeing Bergoglio already in the Vatican long before he was elected. That fact that this charge of falsity was even made over this proves the diabolic mind here. The sin here is well described by St. Paul in Romans 1:19-23. If you cannot get the point take a look at John 14:18 and 17:24. And further, had these critics done an honest investigation they would have discovered the Bergoglio papacy was determined EVEN IN THE MINDS AND PLANS OF MEN in 2005 to take place after allowing Ratzinger a short papacy after which if he had not died he would resign. Bergoglio, however was promised the papacy long before that by the CIA for which he worked during the “dirty wars” in Argentina for his cooperation in the overthrow of the Peron government. The deal in 2005 however was made when the first vote left a stalemate in which Bergoglio could have blocked a Ratzinger papacy. THE CONCLUSION: INSTEAD OF BEING A N ELEMENT TO CONDEMN MDM WE HAVE A CLEAR EVIDENCE THIS ALL CAME RIGHT FROM HEAVEN!

    This guilt by association destroyed fully Our Lord’s reputation, but it did so because the people did not see spiritually and that is the case of far too many self appointed authorities in the Church today. Just look at the blindness of those “good Catholics” at EWTN (who I knew for some time that they sold out the vision and spirit of Mother Angelica) who cannot see the horror of Francis!!! Do you think they have the ability to discern MDM???

    “Be not many masters, my brethren , knowing that YOU WILL RECEIVE THE GREATER JUDGMENT.” James3:1

  • I failed to mention that Jesus like MDM was also falsely slandered about His scheming way for financial gain by befriending the richest man in Israel despite the fact he was run out of Jerusalem for his fraternizing with Romans and Greeks and over the scandal of his sister Mary of Magdala. And then there’s the stupid criticism that MDM and the visionaries of Garabandal did not go into religious life. I guess these blind self proclaimed religious judges forgot that Jesus Himself never joined any of the religious orders in His day and never sat for one moment of instruction in any one of the “seminaries” of His day. And isn’t it a dandy display or orthodox wisdom to see how many of these blind guides can break their backs trying to justify the perverse orations of Francis while they shred the reputation of MDM on wild unprovable assertions who is merely speaking of what is plainly obvious concerning the threat all around us both within and outside the Church while putting up with this tidal wave of criticism and condemnation! Jesus would say today to these hypocrites, ” Woe to you . . . you blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.” May God have mercy on these souls.

  • Another famous criticism- her anonyminity. They sneer, “If you are a prophet from God, then why not reveal yourself as all the true prophets before you, rather than hide out in disguise?” Ummmm, maybe because God TOLD her not to! Besides that obvious answer though, and using the common sense God has given us, THE end time prophet chosen by God living in this modern age of lightening fast travel, diminishing privacy, and fundamental rights, would most certainly be afforded by God this level of protection. Part of her mission is to reveal the False Prophet, and the underhanded schemes of those surrounding him. One might imagine such a loaded mission carries with it quite a risk, even to one’s very life. How can anyone with common sense then try to compare her with previous prophets, whose true identities did not require this level of protection? Well very simply it is because they begin with the premise that she is not the end times prophet at all. Guilty until proven innocent. So again they are working backwards, as you said David.
    You’re a wealth of knowledge and I really appreciate you sharing your insights!

    • “The Creed Change” topic and comments are awesome. This could help so many Catholics who’ve been told by friends and priests, “Don’t read those MDM messages…they can’t be from God!”

      Lisette, I think you did very well in PATIENTLY explaining the truth to Rob. I have little patience (my bad) with trolls who attempt to force Catholics to believe their false catholicism.

      Thank you, David for coming on board with this one. Just hope he read your excellent commentary before being ousted.

  • Well, Johnkonnor we meet again. Robrawlings, hello.
    It boggles the mind that Saint Francis Prophecy of the Destroyer pope is utterly ignored by MDM haters. I think it’s a prophecy that cannot be written off as NOT FOR NOW or FALSE. Where is your so-called Catholic discernment when such a GREAT SAINT warns of such a GREAT CHASTISEMENT to the Church? According to your lights such a thing is impossible. Consider this: Pope Benedict is still a Pope! Yes, he is a newly created EMERITUS POPE. We now have the situation of the TWO POPES prophesied by Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. This cannot be as one would necessarily be an ANTIPOPE. Since Benedict cannot possibly be an antipope it falls to Bergoglio to receive that title. And so it is!
    To Robrawlings: as I said to johnkonnor on another site ( he obviously did not take it seriously, though he should) it would be best for you, in not believing the messages from MDM, to quietly go away and pray and stop attacking them. The Lord has warned not to blaspheme the Holy Ghost as when He walked the Earth and the rejecters of His message at that time could not or would not believe Who was speaking to them.