October 22, 2014
Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II
Pope St. John Paul II comes and says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“I come to you not only as Pontiff, but as priest. I tell you, this is a time in history when the Pope must make strides to unite the Church in the Truth. Within hearts are dangerous factions that would propose belief in sacramental life as a choice; yet souls would be able to partake in the sacraments despite lack of faith.” [As the Synod document proposed]
“Of course, this is true today in many individual cases; but, I am speaking of a time when faith will no longer be a general pre-requisite to a sacramental life.”
“Pray for this Pope and all Cardinals and Bishops. Pray to Mary, Protectress of the Faith.”
Read 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Prayer for Leaders in high positions
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth.
Read Romans 1:32
Judgment of God on those who know the Commandments yet do not correct those whose sin deserves death
Though they know God’s decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them but approve those who practice them.
Who is the seer that provided this message? It must be clear to one from this message that this seer is deluded by the devil! Pope John Paul II, for over 25 years, did more for the false religions than he did for the Catholic Faith (e.g., Assisi I and II). Whether he is in heaven I am not certain; however, he was not a model of sainthood! This pope was a public scandal throughout his pontificate. Remnant clergy, please stop publishing these messages from the devil. Whatever good you are doing with your right hand, you do more evil with your left.
This message is from an authentic apparition.
Have you made a sincere effort to discern these messages?
Please be prudent.
Peter, it cannot be authentic because Pope John Paul II was not a model of sainthood. Far from it, he was a public scandal to the Catholic Church.
Look at the category for the posting – the answer is there. Are you a sedevacantist?
I don’t see it. I am not a Sedevacantist.
Thanks for the info. So then do you consider all popes from John XXIII until now heretics or just “bad” popes giving scandalous example? Do you see Francis being noticeably worse then John XXIII through Benedict XVI?
The popes from John XXIII are of the same substance, but of different degrees. They are all public offenders of the Catholic Faith.
The category is in the purple box at the top of the posting when viewing the full article
If you want to be involved in the authentic fight for the Catholic Faith, please visit my website. Listen to Fr. David Hewko’s sermon given on October 19, 2014:
SSPX-Marian Corp. Clever title.
Are you in league with Bishop Williamson or are you yet another split from SSPX?
Do you claim that Archbishop Lefebvre is the prelate prophesied by Our Lady of Quito?
I am united to Bishop Richard Williamson. Yes. He is the ONLY Catholic Bishop of the Roman Rite that publicly teaches the Catholic Faith whole and inviolate.
I do not believe that Archbishop Lefebvre was the prelate prophesied by Our Lady of Quito. That prelate has yet to come.
So does that mean that anyone who accepts any part of Vatican II is automatically disqualified since they don’t teach the whole Catholic faith, such as Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Burke, and other faithful (to most Catholics) prelates?
What about Bishop Fellay? He says there are errors in Vatican II.
Vatican II is like a cake in which poison has been mixed in. There are portions of the cake (Catholic doctrine) that are good and there are portions that are poisonous (Modernist doctrine), but because the poison pervades throughout, the whole cake must be thrown out.
Bishop Fellay, unfortunately, has betrayed Our Lord by signing and sending to Rome a doctrinal declaration that accepts Vatican II in the light of Tradition.
So accepting Vatican II interpreted by Tradition is a betrayal of the Lord??!! Tony, do you hear what you are saying?? Carnal fear is driving your thoughts not faith and truth. I do not mean to pick on you Tony but your effectiveness in fighting real error is harmed by these views.
Yes, because Vatican II CANNOT wholly be interpreted in the light of Tradition if words have any meaning. We cannot engage in mental somersaults to save a council that has brought nothing but the loss of Faith and misery for hundreds of millions of souls. I have seen it happen so many times amongst priests and faithful who begin to think that Vatican II is workable and eventually they come to accept it in a non-Catholic way. Only then will you be free. So many people try so hard to save it because the current hierarchy refuses to let it die and so they try to save it lest they are thought as disobedient. Vatican II is the achilles heel of so many and it seems to be yours. You need to let it go.
Bishop Fellay has fallen in the same trap. I have seen it happen before my very eyes.
tony la rosa, one might despise many canonizations and other things prior to vatican 2 from other pretenders and crowned reprobates living in disregard FOR THE GOSPELS<+3
Thanks for the clarifications, which help explain your viewpoint. You guys are effectively semi-sedevacantists since you diss any pope (Francis is not a pope) from John XXIII onwards. It seems that you cannot distinguish between Vatican II and the many ABUSES that took place, the “spirit of Vatican II”, including a great many problems not even in the documents. Consider: the infallible Bible is written in prose, and you can see how the zillions of erroneous Protestant interpretations come from the same infallible prose. Vatican II is prose also (vs. canons), and the many practical Protestants WITHIN the Church (i.e. modernists) interpret the prose in their bad way.
Your achilles heel is Vatican II. If you don’t see the doctrinal errors within the documents themselves, then this is what keeps you accepting false apparitions, for example Medjugorie, in which Our Lady alleged said something to the effect that it doesn’t matter which religion you belong to. This is blasphemy!
Tell me, do you really have no qualms about praying to Pope John Paul II? Furthermore, would you not be shooting yourself in the foot by claiming that Francis is not pope, but then accepting canonizations that came from him?
At the Warning (6th Seal), you will understand your grave error in failing to discern the many abuses from the real thing. The abuses began under the cover of V2. And the publishing of supposed changes in V2, as was this synod’s devious approach (press got pagan doc before the bishops even saw it), was part of the plan to use the media to convince people.
Oh yes, I pray to St. Pope John Paul II. Why is he a saint if “pope” Francis canonized him? Because JP2’s cause was already in progress for years with miracles AND the real pope Benedict XVI was there to approve in heart even if he was silenced by the Freemasons running the Curia. Simple! But of course you effectively reject all V2 popes anyway. Just like the heretics running the synod say the doctrine isn’t changed but they change it through “pastoral” means, you SAY that you are not sede-vacantist but in practice you ARE sede-vacantist. You and the heretical synod fathers are birds of the same feather when it comes to “market positioning”, just at the opposite end of the belief spectrum.
As to Medjugorje, you again cannot properly interpret the prophecies because of your bias. Are you are a Feenyite who says that only card-carrying Catholics (in the state of grace of course) can be saved? Do you believe in invincible ignorance (BTW, that will go away after the Warning).
Would you have publicly called Pope John Paul II a “saint” prior to Pope Francis’ canonization? Probably not. Yet you accept that word now that the false pope, according to you, has declared it. You spend all your time denouncing the “false” pope, but fail to realize that all the popes since John XXIII are of the same substance and only different in degree.
Mark my words. Vatican II is your achilles heel.
info about–quito-prelate here: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-religion/2917111/posts
Silk, one might despite many evils committing by clergyman before Vatican II, but never did a council convene that spoke blasphemies.
Looks like he’s started!
Similar msg from mother to Ivan in medj a couple of months ago:
“Pray for the holy father and his mission of peace”
Medjugorje is from the devil.
Tony, you seem very good at making charges but refusing to this point of giving any evidence. You have ignored my challenge of stating what doctrines Vatican II has corrupted. So if you are admitting your charge is hollow on Vatican II, at least now tell us how Medjugorje is of the Devil.
This video clip presents certainly the most meaningful of the arguments used against Medjugorje. John Vennari, who all of us should be most grateful for his faithfulness in the tireless crusade with Fr. Grunner to keep the consecration of Russia in the forefront, is however here drawing several very wrong conclusions about what the Blessed Virgin is saying or meaning by what She is saying. He is also seriously wrong in implying or actually presenting that it is necessary to actually be a member corporally of the Catholic Church – before you die – to end up in Heaven. The Catholic Church, which Our Lord founded is both a corporal and a spiritual reality and its spiritual sphere goes far beyond its corporal reality. It includes the great multitude of the Lord’s “other sheep” that were “not of this (Christian) fold.” John 10:16. That is Catholic Dogma! Is John Vennari also ignorant of the several rebukes of His own disciples as Our Lord pointed out to them that pagans outside the covenant often had more faith than they (the Syro-Phoenician woman) and in one case more faith than anyone else in all Israel (A Roman Centurion). Then there was the case of the healed Samaritan who came back to thank the Lord being another occasion of His attempt to correct His Disciples sectarian pride. What of the pagan Magi? And the “unsaved” Roman Centurian Cornelius whose prayers had come up as a memorial before God? We should call rather Vennari’s position – or at least what he is implying- a doctrine of the Devil.
That all pagan religions have been corrupted in varying degrees by doctrines of Devils does not mean those raised up in them are on their way to Hell! The Virgin of Medjugorje rightly responded on the question of pagans ending up in Heaven: “It all depends upon how they lived.” That also is Catholic dogma! The Church dogmatically teaches that only moral sin, unrepented of, sends anyone to Hell. No one goes to Hell for merely being confused by some doctrine of the Devil. The Virgin Mother also rightly responds that all pagans have the knowledge of a sovereign God and are fully capable of praying to Him and that is true even if they in varying degrees have corrupted that image by wrongly focusing on lesser god’s of their own creation! (Romans 1:19-20)
In the matter of respecting all religions means despite the various levels of corruption by demons it is a moral duty to find and respect what is of value in anyone’s religion before you have a moral right to look at the errors or expect to think you can evangelize one with the full faith of the Christian Gospel! Further, any faith (in the absence of the full and true faith) in something beyond ourselves that helps one to live according to the 10 Commandments has value. That is why the Beast wants to destroy all faith and replace it with the worship of man which will extinguish all hope and order.
The Holy Virgin is not speaking to theologians who are concerned about correcting the present theological confusion in the Church between Catholics, I think at this point She is very grateful there are, for instance, many Christians in conservative Protestant churches, though they hold various errors, at least believe the Scriptures are a fully accurate inspired record of God’s dealing with the covenant people and that Our Lord literally died and rose from the dead for them personally without which they would still be in their sins. She certainly cannot say that for many churches, priests and Bishops that are part of the Catholic Church! She is also speaking to a war weary people who have been torn apart by religious and ethical division which has been deliberately fomented by the Beast that hates ALL religious faith. She is not speaking of ultimate end of seeing all the world united in the one truly holy Catholic faith but of a starting point to that end.
To not understand this social context and the confused religious context in which our Holy Mother is appearing in our day is to certainly misinterpret what She is saying. And more and more that context is being found worldwide. Traditional Catholics, of all people, who should have a devotion to Our Lady should understand that because of this confusion in these end times is precisely why this has been designated the Marian Age – why she is the “Mother of Salvation” at this time. People of all religions, if they are drawn to Mary and are touched by her humility, her love and purity will convert in heart from serious sin and preserve themselves safely until they find the full faith and the fullness of New Covenant Salvation.
It is therefore the very message that some Traditionalists have judged Medjugorje as not of God is the proof that it is of God.
typo above: moral = mortal
“These errors, which have been thought to be authentic Catholic faith have precluded any possibility of resolving the 500 year division of Christians.”
David, by this statement of yours, are you saying that the Catholic Church has been erroneous since the Protestant revolution in regards to “Outside the Church, there is no salvation”?
This is Vatican II speak. Vatican II did nothing but make confusing what was once clear.
As I said to Remnantclergy, mark my words – Vatican II is your achilles heel.
No, Tony, its Jesus speak, Holy inspired Scripture speak. Apparently that is not good enough for you. These errors have done more to fuel the liberal progressive reaction to everything traditional in the faith than any other factor. One extreme begets an opposite extreme. These errors, which have been thought to be authentic Catholic faith have precluded any possibility of resolving the 500 year division of Christians. Tony, DON’T BE PART OF CONTINUING THIS DIVISION! (John 17:19-23)
If you or anyone wishes an eye opening piece explaining the declaration of Trent of “no salvation outside the Catholic Church” as not being contradictory to the above Biblical revelation and the teaching of Christ please e-mail me: dwebster@saveourchurch.org
This is a very rich truth but if not understood properly it will continue to be one of Satan’s mightiest tools to destroy the Church. Equally damaging is often the present view that Trent was in error!
I am not saying the Catholic Church or its faith is erroneous, but that it’s you and other “Traditionalists” who are, who have misunderstood its faith even as you misunderstand Our Lady of Medjugorje. There is no contradiction between Christ and the Church. The contradiction comes with a faulty understanding or interpretation of what the Church has said. That there will be no salvation outside the Catholic Church means that no one gets past Peter at the Gates of Heaven without being fully reconciled to both the Catholic Faith and to that authority Our Lord gave to Peter, the Church itself. Salvation here is that final and ultimate form, the final purification. It means there will be no Baptists, no Methodists, certainly no non Christians in Heaven, all will be authentic Catholic Christians. The point that Trent was making to the “Reformers” is that if you will have to be Catholic to get past Peter at the Gate of Heaven how could you possibly justify rejecting the Church here on earth? A justified warning because if that rejection was not out of ignorance it would be a mortal sin or evidence one was in a state already of mortal sin. All who refuse that faith and authority (because of they are living in a state of mortal sin), will be cast out. That is when many whose “Christian” life was lived only for self and in pride will say on that day, “Lord Lord, have we not . . . ”
Yet a further support to Our Lady of Medjugorje from the Lord and a warning is found in Matthew 8:11-12: “Many in that day will come from the East and the West [outside the Christian Covenant!] and sit down with Abraham in the Kingdom of Heaven , but the Children of the Kingdom [“born again Children of God] will be cast out.”
While I have not seen the video–not available to me, your points are good+<3
“This is a time in history when the Pope must make strides to unite the Church in the Truth” This tells us there are problems on both sides of “the aisle” in the Church but with a warning that unity must be in the truth. The present multiplied divisions even among conservative and Traditionalist Catholics shows a lot of need on our own part in discerning truth! The good news is that this trial is actually God’s way to eventually get us to that point seeing we have for so long woefully neglected that pursuit. “All things work together for good to them who love God and to those who are called according to His purpose.” Rom.8:28
That we are called to pray for Francis (if indeed Francis is in view here and not Benedict) only shows the desperate condition into which he has fallen and the pain God feels over the loss of his faith and his allegiance and the prospect of even more damage being done by our failure to modify Francis’ influence by prayer! Further, prayers that modify the evil of even those who end up damned will save them from the worst torments of Hell! This also tells us that the world and especially we Catholics in general probably deserve no better public leader and only by our prayers can certain further evils be prevented and make it safe for God to send us a better one!
The dictated revelations given in the 1940’s to Maria Valtorta of the entire life and ministry of Christ were given to thoroughly settle so many misconceptions upon which so many divisions in the Church had arisen. That revelation would have completely destroyed the liberal attack on the Scriptural record and thus the entire edifice of revisionism of the faith that we now face. The evidence of its divine dictation is on every page. But once again too few Churchmen felt they need Heaven’s help –including the Traditionalist Cardinal who had the work condemned along with Sister Faustina’s revelation because he was offended for being by passed in its approval process (!)– and so now we face the consequence of our pride still often unwilling to look at ourselves first to see if we have the means to make correct judgments about the virtues of the popes who went through hell on earth in our place.
Vatican II – your achilles heel.
Our Lady of the Roses, Pray for us!
Vatican 2 as Achilles Heel: one would seem to refer to Great Monarch prophecy/ies of a Great Monarch–RESTORING the POPE.+<3 Silk–http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/great-catholic-monarch.htm
The website referenced is a sedevacantist site. You can read the Great Monarch Prophesies but be wary of anything else there.
; the problems PROTESTANTS have IS THAT the GREAT MONARCH and pope-exterminating-heretics-and-spreading-monarchy-uprooting-democracies-and-communism-jive-with-“anti christ and false-prophet”
No great Monarch, let alone a great pope, will exterminate heretics! Have we learned nothing of the kind of Kingdom Christ came to establish? Have we learned nothing from the period of the inquisition? While the Church did much to stop the excesses of the inflamed catholic populaces (the real legacy of the inquisition, contrary to popular opinion) it did not do enough!
It was the serious weakness of Catholic life and faith in the Catholic populations themselves, reflected in civil penalties for heresy, that drew the Church into that most unfortunate role of leaving those convicted of heresy open to these penalties of the state, of either exile, imprisonment or worse. The Church has a duty to expose heretics and exclude them from positions in the Church, but for civil government to think it is acting on God’s kingdom principles to use force against heretics to wipe out heresy is a complete delusion, an outright evil- yes, Anti-Christ! Civil government is given authority to punish evil doers not evil faith. Civil government that goes beyond that is anti-Christian, anti-Catholic. Unfortunately this evil has been done in the name of Catholicism because the Church often tolerated these injustices by civil governments in Catholic nations. A nation that must use force to preserve its faith is a nation whose faith is dead. And just as there never would have been a rift in the nation of Israel had Rehoboam walked in the ways of David and his father Solomon, so to there would never have been a “Reformation” had authentic Catholicism dominated the institutional Church. After the Church’s purification and the restoration of authentic Catholicism you will see many Protestants return to the Church.
David, your post smells of the negative influence of the Dignitatis Humanae (Religious Liberty) in that heretics ought not to be prevented from spreading their doctrinal heresies and errors in public. Your comment in effect condemns the penalties imposed on heretics in the glory years of the Church. You state that civil government is given authority to punish evil doers and not evil faith. Public heretics ARE evil doers! Public heresy is worse the murder because the latter kills the body, but the former kills the soul! It is rather the “merciful” Vatican II version of Catholicism (which isn’t Catholicism at all) that has allowed heresy run rampant in virtually every nation of the world.
i will repeat – Vatican II is your achilles heel.
If the early Church beginning with 12 Apostles could overcome persecuting Judiasm and conquer the powerful pagan Roman Empire without the use any threat of civil penalties our use of persecution so could any generation of Catholics. This is called living the faith, a force the no error or darkness could overcome. It is when the Church loses its faith and stops living the faith that evangelism ceases and it falls into the practices of the pagans who must use force to maintain its position. The use of force to maintain the faith in society is an outright denial of Christ and the Catholic faith. Not only is the example of Christ denied but His commandment to pick up our own crosses and follow Him is also denied. Heresy is running rampant, as you say, in every nation on earth because it has run rampant first within the Church and among its members. And a major reason for that is the lack of faith and obedience on the part of those of us who considered ourselves orthodox, as I have pointed out previously. The failure of the Church to evangelize Protestant America, and thus its being Americanized instead, is I believe one of the greatest failures (if not the greatest) in all its 2000 year history.
“The Church has not the power of using force, nor has she any temporal power, direct or indirect.”
(Syllabus of Errors, Condemned Proposition #24, Pope Pius IX)
Be careful David, you risk placing yourself against the Catholic Church and all the popes and saints who supported the Crusades. Don’t listen to the likes of Pope John Paul II who apologized for the Church’s past in matters that the Church was justified.
Tony, you should know better than to drag this example out. The Crusades were not an attempt to suppress the Muslim faith by force. They were to allow Christians the decades establish right to access the Holy sites in the Holy Land and to end suppression of Christians by radical Muslim elements.
Okay, David, What do you think about the Spanish Holy Inquisition?
The Spanish Inquisition, even according to the BBC documentary of several years back, that has now (interestingly!) been shelved and out of circulation, gives striking testimony to the overwhelming number incidences of restraint the church placed on civil governments in their excesses in regard to offenders of religious proselyting laws.This documentary was based on the recently opened records on the Spanish Inquisition that had been sealed until recently. Commonly offenders imprisoned for repeatedly breaking the religious laws and refusing to leave the country chose the Church prisons over civil ones because they were treated better there. But as I have said the Church should have absolutely opposed all these anti- proselyting laws and even refused to try heretics that were outside the Church where such proceedings would subject them to civil punishments. Anything short of that is a betrayal of the Gospel and a scandal.
St. Pope John Paul apologized for whatever ABUSES were committed in the Crusades, not for the Crusades.
The Great Monarch will have a new Crusade when he goes public.
If that is the case, did Pope John Paul II in any way praise the true objective of the Crusades or did you just concentrate on the abuses, which are accidental?
David, I would not put too much trust in a secular outfit like the BBC. Please stick to Catholic historians such as William Walsh, who wrote a good book called the “Characters of the Inquisition”.
“But as I have said the Church should have absolutely opposed all these anti- proselyting laws and even refused to try heretics that were outside the Church where such proceedings would subject them to civil punishments. Anything short of that is a betrayal of the Gospel and a scandal.”
David, with a comment like this, I really don’t know what more to say other than you have been negatively influenced by that Satanic council called Vatican II because this stinks of religious liberty.
I wonder if pope francis (false prophet) will correct elton john that a catholic can never accept the homosexual act carried out between 2 of the same sex as it is intrinsically evil and anybody carrying out such things are in a state of objective mortal sin. I dont think so !. To do so would be to care for the state of peoples souls and whether he knows it or not hes working for the evil 1 so in that regard hes doing his job to the best of his abillity just got GOD & satan mixed up thats all !
Tony la rosa read a couple of your comments this might interest you but you may av already seen them
Fr. Hewko: Exposing the Neo-SSPX & Vatican II
via McTube for YouTube.
A Conversation on Catholic Tradition with Fr. Gregory Hesse
via McTube for YouTube.
Fr. Hesse: A Second Conversation on Tradition vs Modernism
via McTube for YouTube.
Know that Bishop Fellay will lead the SSPX to help the Remnant Church defend itself against the False Prophet Francis and the coming Antichrist Maitreya.
Wrong. Bishop Fellay has compromised with Vatican II and has betrayed the memory and mission of the founder of the SSPX, Archbishop Lefebvre. Bishop Fellay, rather, is eager to be recognized by “Modernist Rome”, even though he does not say “Modernist Rome”.
It is the likes of His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson, Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, and Fr. David Hewko who continue to adhere to the true Catholic Faith. The Holy Pope and Great Monarch to come will reject Vatican II wholesale.
John6, I am very familiar with these. Fr. David Hewko came to Toronto on Sun. Oct. 19/14. I was there for his Mass and sermon.
Check out my site:
Tony, may I suggest for your consideration what has actually proven to be the Achilles heal of the Church and its faith, the disabling of which has created the present spiritual collapse of the mission of the Church, the evangelization and disciplining of all nations and now the collapse of much of its structure? Another analogy, fitting to the Church as a building, and used in Scripture is of a foundation, which if the most vulnerable feature of the foundation is ruptured or destroyed the building upon which it rests becomes at risk of losing its function or even of collapsing.
That foundation of the Church is identified by St. Paul in Ephesians 2:20 as consisting of three things, one of which has been the “Achilles heal” that has been essentially destroyed and removed from the foundation of the living Church. The first of the three is the Apostolic office with its papal head; the second, and the one essentially destroyed and removed, is the Prophetic office which has continued to the present day as certainly as the Apostolic Office, and third, Jesus Christ Himself as the Chief Cornerstone, around which the former two must perfectly fit if the building is to be sound. Note that Paul did not include any other offices/giftings as teachers or evangelists. And note he places the Prophets on the same level as Apostles, though often these prophets have not been of the Apostolic College, the first two of which were the Magdalene and the converted Saul before his ordination. Now, can you imagine the consequence to the Church had the Apostolic Office treated the revelations on the Church that the lay visionary Saul received in his 3 years in Arabia the way they have treated the young prophets at LaSalette, at Fatima, or Ida Perleman, or Maria Valtorta, and the four at Garabandal (to name just a few)? All of these had publically significant messages intended to be recognized as authentic, to be publicized, promoted and obeyed by the Church. None of these messages were intended for only a select few people. All these were marginalized either by declaring then not required to be believed, or worse, by letting them die from being ignored, or even ourright condemning them!
This shutting out of the calls of Heaven is precisely what is pictured in the seventh and final of the seven Churches of Revelation, the Laodicean Church, the “RICH AND INCREASED WITH GOODS” and “LUKE WARM” and “IN NEED OF NOTHING [MORE FROM HEAVEN OR GOD]” Church of the End Times. Our Lord is seen in this End Times Church standing and knocking on the closed door of the Church. The Apostolic office which turned a deaf ear to Heaven’s call at Garabandal in 1965 was Heaven’s last call directed to that Office, thus the message, “Because my message was not made known [by the bishops ] this will be my last on [to them],. many cardinals, may bishops and many priests are on their way to perdition and taking many with them.” This horrible condition of Cardinals, bishops and priest was thus true before the end of Vatican II. The door of the Church had been long closed by this time.
Quite interesting indeed is that this turning of Heaven from “the Apostles” to the faithful and to the masses world wide occurred precisely at this time in a mushrooming of apparitions all over the world starting in 1965. Indeed the Lord’s message following the failure of the bishops to open the door was our lord’s turning to the public at large, “If ANY MAN hear My voice, and open the door, I will come into him.”
David, I agree that the process of degradation started before Vatican II, but Vatican II made it official.
No, the spirit of Vatican II made it “official”.
As an accident must inhere within a substance, so must the “spirit” inhere in the text to one degree or another.
You continue to ignore the points I am making. You do not at this point want to hear the truth and that means the truth you do hold will likely be discredited in the eyes of others. You have made some pretty shocking charges on this site not the least of which is your flat denial of Remnant Clergy’s assertion that bishop Fellay will lead the SSPX to help the Remnant Church defend itself against the False Prophet Francis and the coming Antichrist Maitreya. So if bishop Fellay is going to end up in Hell for his past desire to reconcile with the Church Don Bosco saw as eventually, with the help of “auxiliary ships” (SSPX) being anchored between the two pillars then good Heavens, Bosco must also be on his way to Hell for his false prophecy and all who remain in the Novus Ordo. You are misled and misleading others by your ego and ignorance of the Word of God. This still does not bother you?
David, Bishop Fellay signed, sealed, and delivered to Rome a Doctrinal Declaration that accepts Vatican II, albeit with some difficulties. By this act, he has betrayed Our Lord and his own spiritual father.
One thing for sure Tony, you and all who ascribe to your serious misjudgments make the progressive case of phariseeism against Traditionalists appear quite valid. In your condemnation of bishop Fellay it is you who is betraying the Lord. Ponder this if you will, it was both the orthodox pharisees in Jesus’ day who with their progressive opposites, the Sadusees, and bitter antagonists who both rejected Christ. Our Lord was too orthodox to please the Sadusees and too progressive to please the Pharisees. Perhaps when you get knocked off your high horse as did the pharisee Saul you too will humble yourself and become a champion of the true faith as he did. At least you are not lukewarm!
David, good bye.
My comments–distract from the main point PERHAPS? I understand. PERHAPS THEY ARE JUST FOR–YOU.<+3–I will attempt sticking to the POINT.
Remember the Apostle Paul says to prove all . . . hold fast to . . . good. Not to despise prophesyings.
And so these are not considered “cake.”+<3–1 Thessalonians 5:21-20
New American Bible (NAB)
21Test everything; retain what is good.
King James Version (KJV)
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
American King James Version (AKJV)
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
American Standard Version (ASV)
prove all things; hold fast that which is good;
Basic English Translation (BBE)
Let all things be tested; keep to what is good;
Webster's Revision
prove all things; hold fast that which is good;
World English Bible
Test all things, and hold firmly that which is good.
English Revised Version (ERV)
prove all things; hold fast that which is good;