This is the last chance to reverse future events


June 7, 2014

Jesus comes holding His Sacred Heart out to me, but it changes into His Most Mournful Heart. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“These days and during this crucial hour of decision, compromised Truth has been made into law. The abuse of authority is rampant and jeopardizes the peace of the world.”

“Unless the heart of the world can be reconciled with Truth, there will be no alternative except My Justice. My Heart mourns as I see the arrogant choices being made and the opinions which take over hearts and foster errors of all sorts. You have some alternatives which began as good and righteous, but let pride take over and soon opposed God’s Will. Good cannot be the enemy of good. Return to the joy of Holy Love.”

“I reveal to you the pain of My Heart during this generation so that souls can make amends and appease My Mournful Heart. This is the last chance to reverse future events.”

“My Mournful Heart reveals to the world the evils of these times in the hope that mankind will reverse his course of self-destruction.”

“If you listen, peace and prosperity will return to the world. Errors in hearts will be corrected and you will be united in the Divine Will. If you do not listen, My Heart will only be appeased by My Justice. Choose wisely.”

Read Luke 6:45

The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

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