4123-Message of Our Lady, transmitted in the Parish of St. James / RJ transmitted in 06/04/2015
Dear children, bear witness with your example and that you belong to my Son Jesus. Do not stray from the truth. You are important for the realization of My plans. Give the best of yourselves to the mission entrusted to you. My Lord will reward you generously for all that you do. Open your hearts and listen to the voice of the Lord. He wants to talk to you. Be meek and humble of heart. You live in a time of great tribulations, but you are not alone. My Jesus walks with you. When all seems lost will come to you the great victory of God. Take care of your spiritual life and you will find the great treasure that is within you. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to help you. Do not hold back. I will speak to My Jesus for you. Courage. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.
“Bear witness with your example”. We who listen are the warned ones, and as warned ones, we can prepare. We may try to warn others who will not listen, so we must undeterred return to getting more prepared. When the unwilling have been taught by calamity to be prepared to listen, when we can share with them the fruits of OUR even greater preparadness.
The hardships are already happening. A cold snap has caught many people short. Not long ago it was summer and hot and drought-ridden.. Then there was a
brief autumn, cooler but not cold. Now it is cold at night, almost frosty. This has happened early. Have we not been warned about unseasonal weather, sudden shifts? Electricity is going up in price, as it always seems to be doing. People with little money may have to heat only one room at a time. A country in the Pacific is short of food because of Cyclone Pam. Have we not been warned of the chance of famine in the world. Should we not be stockpiling food and spending less on non-essentials?
The list goes on. Who knows when a great war will break out. Are we the least bit ready for that. Let us be quick learners, ready to help the slow when they are ready, through pain, to learn.
I am talking materially. As for the spiritual…haven’t we been warned there too. Thank God for the prophets who have warned us and the God who is so gracious that those who are willing to be strengthened by Him in soul are being strengthened. I know i am stronger than I was even months ago.