Pedro Regis

“From the Palace will come an order that will do great harm to the faith of My poor children” (4634)

4,634 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted on 05/10/2018

Dear children, from the Palace [Vatican] will come an order that will do great harm to the faith of My poor children. Bend your knees in prayer. This is the time of the great battle between good and evil. Keep the truth. Accept the Gospel, for only in this way can you remain on the Path of Salvation. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to call you to conversion. Get away from the things of the world. You are not slaves. You are free to be of the Lord. Turn to Him, who is your Absolute Good and knows you by name. You are the Lord’s and you alone must follow and serve Him. Forward in the defense of truth. My Lord expects much from you. This is the message I am sending you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank You for allowing Me to meet you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

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